What's Happened?

I need action!! Site needs to be hopping again.

No posts in over 10 days! Come on… Let’s spread the word.


Want to exchange links :-)

I am back…

same here… used to spend an hour a day just answering questions.

I just received some notification. Honestly, after all this time down, I thought this place was dead.

Well glad you could make it back. Although at this point it does seem to be a bit dead…

Most activity is from people trying to get free advertising in the forum area. I have tried to be diligent in removing them. Just wish I had the authority to remove the users instead of just their posts.

Removing users won’t change anything. If they want to advertise, they will simply create an other account.

I have links on my site but …

Hi all, sorry I have been about… Just going to do some maintenance.

Hope everyones having a great christmas ;)

…Your wish is my command 8)

oh look, the site is back? It was down yesterday…

Makes me wonder where the root admin has gone, especially as he’s paying for it :-?

well, its better for him to get back caz there are no people on this forum any more! I see my posts that I made 3 month ago on the first page… what is the point of the dead forum? Eve if it gets back working the old people wont come back because they will feal like the site will go downt soon so whats a point of “leaving” hrere… So I think the site should het new relieble host and get new redesirned look so at least people would see that it was changed…

Agreed, I was hoping to get the domain once it expired. Then get our company to redesign it and give it a fresh look.

Sadly its auto-refreshed, we’ll just have to hope steve can sort it out.

Well where is he?

Haven’t spoken to him in a VERY long time (try years)… I have limited access to this site, mainly the forum maintainence :(

Well maybe we should start the thread named: “How we can hack this site, so we can bring it to life?”

Do you have his phone # or its just an email? Or messanger ?

I don’t have any more details that you :(


By the way - Hey Miles :)

Hey lig hows life?

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