White Page - Nothing shows up!

lol, so my first one that I did all by myself (I’m very proud lol) doesn’t work. None of the text shows up on the page http://www.salesmangame.freeweb7.com/createbusiness.php. Also I have no idea if I can do what I put at the end of this post.

 *include session.php


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />



Make a new company:
<br />

<form  name="new company" action="processcreatebusiness.php" method="POST">
Company Name:<br />
<input type="text" name="Company Name">
<br />
Starting Capital:
<input type="text" name="capital">
<br />
<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Make Company">


if ($_POST[Company Name] =    "/" "*" "!" "`" "." " "  ) {
    echo  "We're sorry, But your company name contains invalid characters.";
if (_POST[capital] =   "$" "#" "@" "!" "%" "^" "&" "*" "(" ")" "_" "-" "="+" "," "." 
                     "<" ">" "?" "/" ";" ":" """ "'" "{" "}" "[" "]" "Q" "q" "W" "w"
                     "E" "e" "r" "R" "t" "T" "y" "Y" "u" "U" "I" "i" "O" "o" "P" "p"
                     "A" "a" "s" "S" "d" "D" "f" "F" "g""G" "h" "H" "j" "J" "k" "K"
                      "L" "l" Z" "z" "X" "x" "c" "C" "v" "V" "b" "B" "N" "n" "m" "M"
                      "`" "~" "|" "" " "   ) {
    echo "We;re sorry, but your company's capital contains an invalid characters.";




What is wrong??? IF I can’t do this:

if ($_POST[Company Name] =    "/" "*" "!" "`" "." " "  ) {


if (_POST[capital] =   "$" "#" "@" "!" "%" "^" "&" "*" "(" ")" "_" "-" "="+" "," "." 
                     "<" ">" "?" "/" ";" ":" """ "'" "{" "}" "[" "]" "Q" "q" "W" "w"
                     "E" "e" "r" "R" "t" "T" "y" "Y" "u" "U" "I" "i" "O" "o" "P" "p"
                     "A" "a" "s" "S" "d" "D" "f" "F" "g""G" "h" "H" "j" "J" "k" "K"
                      "L" "l" Z" "z" "X" "x" "c" "C" "v" "V" "b" "B" "N" "n" "m" "M"
                      "`" "~" "|" "" " "   ) {

Then, how can I make it so people can only put numeric values in the text-box?

Do you have error reporting turned on? In PHP a “BLANK” Page generally means there are errors but displaying of errors is turned off.

The Error logs should give you an indication of the problem.

Nop I don’t think I do. How do I turn error reporting on?

You can either edit the PHP.INI for display_errors = on (and set the appropriate error level) or you can set the error level in the individual script by making use of the error_reporting() function http://us2.php.net/error_reporting

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