Undefined variable

Please help to resolve this problem. Im not programmer but im really need help to fix this problem.

$this->item->text = JFilterOutput::ampReplace($this->item->text);
preg_match_all("/<img[^>]*>/Ui", $this->item->text, $txtimg);
if (!empty($txtimg[0])) {
foreach ($txtimg[0] as $txtimgel) {
$this->item->text = str_replace($txtimgel,"",$this->item->text);
if ( $n == 0 )
$this->item->img = ( !empty( $txtimgelsr[1][0] ) ) ? $txtimgelsr[1][0] : null;


Undefines variable: if ( $n == 0 )

Thanks in advance

This variable $n must be defined somewhere above this comparison. Or, just turn off notices using error_reporting setting in php.ini

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