Trouble with database link - SORTED

I have a details page with information and images on it from a database as well as a calander. The calender has links to the previous and next Years

[php]Year: <a href="<?=(date("Y", time()) < $year) ? $PHP_SELF."?year=".($year-1)."&plan_nr=$plan_nr$get" : ""?>">
<?=(date("Y", time()) < $year) ? $year-1 : ""?>

[php]Year: <a href="<?=$PHP_SELF."?aptRef=".$row_listing['aptRef']."?year=".($year+1)."&plan_nr=$plan_nr$get"?>">

When I click on these links it does what it supposed to but I lose all the details on the page.

I have tried

[php]Year: <a href="<?=$PHP_SELF."?aptRef=". $row_listing['aptRef'] ."?year=".($year+1)."&plan_nr=$plan_nr$get"?>">

This keeps the information but doesnt progress the calander.

Any Suggestions anyone

First off I see a security problem…

You shouldn’t be able to use $PHP_SELF, as this would mean Global variables are turned on, and that is a security risk. $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’] is what should be used with global variables turned off.

As far as losing data you need to keep the data stored in some way. Whether that be re-pulling it from the database, storing in the url or something.

Well maybe I should ask, how does the data get there in the first place?

the data is pulled from the database as follows

[php]mysql_select_db($database_connect, $connect);
$query_listing = “SELECT * FROM listings WHERE aptRef = ‘$aptRef’”;
$listing = mysql_query($query_listing, $connect) or die(mysql_error());
$row_listing = mysql_fetch_assoc($listing);
$totalRows_listing = mysql_num_rows($listing);

the line


is a static page I learnt how to do from this forum see

This files contains the details for the selected apartment

While the database contains contact information and the apartment ref

The calander is pulled by the following

header(“Expires: “.gmdate(“D, d M Y H:i:s”).” GMT”);
header(“Last-Modified: “.gmdate(“D, d M Y H:i:s”).” GMT”);
header(“Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate”);
header(“Pragma: no-cache”);
header(“Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0”);

$month = array( “01” => “January”,
“02” => “February”,
“03” => “March”,
“04” => “April”,
“05” => “May”,
“06” => “June”,
“07” => “July”,
“08” => “August”,
“09” => “September”,
“10” => “October”,
“11” => “November”,
“12” => “December”

$v_month = array( “01” => “Jan”,
“02” => “Feb”,
“03” => “Mar”,
“04” => “Apr”,
“05” => “May”,
“06” => “Jun”,
“07” => “Jul”,
“08” => “Aug”,
“09” => “Sep”,
“10” => “Oct”,
“11” => “Nov”,
“12” => “Dec”

if (!$dbh = @mysql_connect($db_addr, $db_user, $db_pass)):
die (“Connection to the data base server could not be made.”);

if (!$dbdat = @mysql_select_db($db_name, $dbh)):
die (“Unable to establish a connection to the database.”);

function table_exists($table) {
GLOBAL $db_name;
$result = mysql_list_tables ($db_name);
if (!$result) {echo "Examination of the tables could not be accomplished.
else {
while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){
if ($row[0] == $table) return true;
} }
return false;

function check_date($d, $m, $Y){

if (date(“m-d-Y”, mktime(0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $Y)) == “$m-$d-$Y”) return true;
return false;

function daysinmonth($month, $year)
if(checkdate($month, 31, $year)) return 31;
if(checkdate($month, 30, $year)) return 30;
if(checkdate($month, 29, $year)) return 29;
if(checkdate($month, 28, $year)) return 28;
return 0; // error

function weeksinmonth($month, $year){
$firstDey = array (“01”, $month, $year);
$lastDey = array (daysinmonth($month, $year), $month, $year);
$tst1 = mktime (1, 0, 0, $firstDey[1], $firstDey[0], $firstDey[2]);
$tst2 = mktime (1, 0, 0, $lastDey[1], $lastDey[0], $lastDey[2]);
$wa = date(“W”, $tst1);
$we = date(“W”, $tst2);
if ($wa == 53) $wa = 1;
$weeks = $we - $wa;
return array($weeks, $wa, $we);

function get_time ($tst){
Global $timestring;
$lok = date($timestring, $tst);
return (!empty ($tst)) ? $lok : “”;

$plan_nr = (empty($_GET[‘plan_nr’])) ? $aptNo : $_GET[‘plan_nr’];
$year = (empty($_GET[‘year’])) ? date(“Y”, time()) : $_GET[‘year’];
$month = (empty($_GET[‘month’])) ? date(“m”, time()) : $_GET[‘month’];

$error = false; $alloc_year = array();
$query = "SELECT * FROM $main_table_name WHERE plan_nr = ‘$plan_nr’ AND YEAR(alloc) = ‘$year’ ";
if ($result = mysql_query($query)) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)){
$alloc_year[] = $row[“alloc”];


if (!empty ($_POST[‘submit’])){
$alloc = $_POST[‘alloc’];
if (!is_array($alloc)) $alloc = array();

foreach ($alloc AS $insert_value){
if (!in_array($insert_value, $alloc_year)){

  $query = "INSERT INTO $main_table_name SET plan_nr = '$plan_nr', alloc = '$insert_value'";
  if (!mysql_query($query) && !$error) {
    $error = true;
    die ("Database error: INSERT could not be accomplished. Line: ".__LINE__);


foreach ($alloc_year AS $delete_value){
if (!in_array($delete_value, $alloc)){

  $query = "DELETE FROM $main_table_name WHERE alloc = '$delete_value' AND plan_nr = $plan_nr LIMIT 1";
  if (!mysql_query($query) && !$error) {
    $error = true;
    die ("Database error: DELETE could not be accomplished. Line: ".__LINE__);


$error = false; $alloc_year = array();
$query = "SELECT * FROM $main_table_name WHERE plan_nr = ‘$plan_nr’ AND YEAR(alloc) = ‘$year’ ";
if ($result = mysql_query($query)) {
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)){
$alloc_year[] = $row[“alloc”];

$query = “SELECT plan_nr FROM $times_table_name WHERE plan_nr = $plan_nr”;
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($query));
if ($num_rows > 0){
$query = “UPDATE $times_table_name SET last_mod = “.time().” WHERE plan_nr = $plan_nr”;
}else {
$query = “INSERT INTO $times_table_name SET last_mod = “.time().”, plan_nr = $plan_nr”;
if (!mysql_query($query) && !$error) {
die ("Database error: “.(($num_rows > 0) ? “Update” : “Insert”).” could not be accomplished. Line: ".LINE);

$query = “SELECT last_mod FROM $times_table_name WHERE plan_nr = $plan_nr”;
if ($result = mysql_query($query)){
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array ($result)){
$last_mod = get_time($row[“last_mod”]);
if (empty($last_mod)) $last_mod = “Not available”;

This is the error message I am now getting

Parse error: parse error, unexpected ‘=’, expecting T_VARIABLE or ‘$’ in /data/members/paid/s/u/******.com/htdocs/******/users/ListCfg/.php on line 2

have a look at ListCfg/.php.
are there any php synax errors in there?

Tgis is the code that writes the config file

if($_POST[‘aptNo’]) $aptNo = ($_POST[‘aptNo’]);
if($_POST[‘shrtDesc’]) $shrtDesc = ($_POST[‘shrtDesc’]);
if($_POST[‘longDesc’]) $longDesc = ($_POST[‘longDesc’]);
if($_POST[‘selElevation’]) $selElevation = ($_POST[‘selElevation’]);
if($_POST[‘selBedrooms’]) $selBedrooms = ($_POST[‘selBedrooms’]);
if($_POST[‘bedNotes’]) $bedNotes = ($_POST[‘bedNotes’]);
if($_POST[‘Oven’]) $Oven = ($_POST[‘Oven’]);
if($_POST[‘Hob’]) $Hob = ($_POST[‘Hob’]);
if($_POST[‘Cooker’]) $Cooker = ($_POST[‘Cooker’]);
if($_POST[‘Microwave’]) $Microwave = ($_POST[‘Microwave’]);
if($_POST[‘Fridge’]) $Fridge = ($_POST[‘Fridge’]);
if($_POST[‘Washer’]) $Washer = ($_POST[‘Washer’]);
if($_POST[‘kitchNotes’]) $kitchNotes = ($_POST[‘kitchNotes’]);
if($_POST[‘TV’]) $TV = ($_POST[‘TV’]);
if($_POST[‘DVD’]) $DVD = ($_POST[‘DVD’]);
if($_POST[‘CDSystem’]) $CDSystem = ($_POST[‘CDSystem’]);
if($_POST[‘Games’]) $Games = ($_POST[‘Games’]);
if($_POST[‘Iron’]) $Iron = ($_POST[‘Iron’]);
if($_POST[‘Ironing’]) $Ironing = ($_POST[‘Ironing’]);
if($_POST[‘HairDryer’]) $HairDryer = ($_POST[‘HairDryer’]);

$fp = fopen (“ListCfg/$aptRef.php”, “w”);

$str = “<” . "?
$aptNo = “$aptNo”;
$shrtDesc = “$shrtDesc”;
$longDesc = “$longDesc”;
$selElevation = “$selElevation”;
$selBedrooms = “$selBedrooms”;
$bedNotes = “$bedNotes”;
$Oven = “$Oven”;
$Hob = “$Hob”;
$Cooker = “$Cooker”;
$Microwave = “$Microwave”;
$Fridge = “$Fridge”;
$Washer = “$Washer”;
$kitchNotes = “$kitchNotes”;
$TV = “$TV”;
$DVD = “$DVD”;
$CDSystem = “$CDSystem”;
$Games = “$Games”;
$Iron = “$Iron”;
$Ironing = “$Ironing”;
$HairDryer = “$HairDryer”;


fwrite($fp, $str, strlen($str));
$aptDir = $row_aptDetails[‘aptRef’];

Can’t be anything wrong with this because its already been read once

I think the problem is that when i click the next year link


Year: "> <?=$year+1?> [/php]

Its only pulling data from the one table, I need it pulling data from 2 tables if thats possible.

Anyone have an idea how this can be done!!!

i don’t think there is a prob with the file witing it, but with the file being written

maybe it’s a problem with the short php tags.
but i never used them.

try to replace $str = "<" . "? with $str = "<" . "?php

I have compromised on the designed for now. I’ve placed a form in the body tags and opened the calendar in a differant window, Seems to be working OK

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