Task for implementing to classes

Implement the following tariffs in the respective prepared classes:
• Tariff “Alpha”
– 1 EUR/30m, at maximum 9 EUR/day
• Tariff “Beta”
– using PLN (Zloty)
– until 20m: 0 PLN
– until 60m: 2 PLN
– until 120m: 6 PLN
– above 120m: 4 PLN/h
– above 12h: calculated price so far + 200 PLN
• Tariff “Gamma”
– 9am - 18pm: 2 EUR/h, at maximum 16 EUR/d
– 18pm - 9am: additional 2 EUR

Replace the body of the method stub Rental::calculatePrice with
calls to your implementations and write tests for them in the file

I have 4 php files, tariff nad 3 with tariff names.
How do i implement those values to them?

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