Hi folks,
I’ve been reading the forums here for a few days, as I’ve taken it upon myself to create a small database and reading from it/writing to it.
Have found answers to a few early problems, but now I’ve really hit the wall. It’s been a few years since I worked with a mySQL-database, and too long since I tried learning myself php. But you have to learn sometime, right? So I tried again.
Here’s an outline of the problem, hope someone can offer up a few tips to get me going again.
I’m trying to create a database containing setlists.
Let me explain. An artist plays a show, I want to record the venue, date, setlist and also the lyrics for the songs.
This is my layout:
Table - SetLists:
* SetListID, Int, PRIMARY KEY, AutoInc, NotNull.
* Date, Date.
* Venue, Text.
* Town, Text.
* Country, Text.
Table - SongsInSet.
* TrackID, Int, PRIMARY KEY, AutoInc, NotNull.
* SetID, Int
* Track, Int
* Title, VarChar.
Table - Songs.
* Title, PRIMARY KEY, VarChar.
* ReleasedOn, Text.
* ReleaseYear, Year.
* Lyrics, LongText.
What I want to do:
SetLists are unique, but the same songs will appear on several setlists. Therefore I’ve split songs into it’s own table.
(As you probably see, databasedesign was never my best subject)
So far I’ve filled the database with a few testdata via MySqlControlCenter. But I want to fill it via an online admin-script later on.
I’ve got a query in my php-script, that gets all setlist from a given year. The Date is then put as a hyperlink, with which I send the SetListID as a variable to the page that’s supposed to send out all the songs from that set.
(Had to put the php in code-brackets… using [ php ] just gives me this output: [ php:1:cf535e05a5 ] )
$db = mysql_connect("localhost", -connection here);
$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM view_SetLists WHERE view_SetLists.Date BETWEEN
'1990-01-01' AND '1990-12-30';",$db);
if ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
do {
printf("<a class="setlinker" href="%s?id=%s">%s</a> - %s - %s, %sn", "setlist.php", $myrow["SetListID"], $myrow["Date"], $myrow["Venue"], $myrow["Town"], $myrow["Country"]);
} while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result));
} else {
echo "Sorry, no records were found!";
The called page gulps out most of the info, (ie, all from the SetList-table), but only the first song of the Tracklist…
And I think the problem lies in my phpscript. I’m not to good at looping either .
Code on the called page:
$id = $_GET['id'];
$db = mysql_connect("localhost", dbconnection);
if ($id)
$sql = "SELECT * FROM view_SetLists, view_SongsInSet, view_Songs WHERE
view_SetLists.SetListID=$id AND view_SongsInSet.SetID=$id;";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);
echo $myrow["Date"];
echo $myrow["Venue"];
echo $myrow["Track"];
echo $myrow["Title"];
Hope someone can help me out with a few pointers, I’m totally stuck.