I’m using a plugin in WordPress called Business Directory Plugin to grab information from the database through a template. The query pulls all 400 records and displays their name, address, phone number and a short description. This seems to take 8 seconds to gather and show the information. Is there any way I could speed up and consolidate the following script:
[php]<?php $listing_id = get_the_ID(); ?>
<?php echo $title; ?> | <?php $arr = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ‘_wpbdp[fields][10]’, true );
foreach ( $arr as $item) :
echo “$item”;
endforeach; ?> <?php $field = wpbdp_get_form_field( 23 );
echo $field->value( $listing_id ); ?> | <?php $field = wpbdp_get_form_field( 6 );
echo $field->value( $listing_id ); ?> | <?php $field = wpbdp_get_form_field( 53 );
echo $field->value( $listing_id ); ?>[/php]