simple php album, modification help.

Dear Php experts.

Please can any php expert help me modify a simple php Album script, the script can be seen at, it show the image randomly, but interested to have to sort by in series, 1.jpg, 2.jpg … 8.jpg, in other words it works fine for us, but the placement is incorrect that shows the newspaper in the disordered format.

the code has been pasted below.

<?php # SETTINGS $max_width = 200; $max_height = 200; $per_page = 10; $page = $_GET['page']; $has_previous = false; $has_next = false; function getPictures() { global $page, $per_page, $has_previous, $has_next; if ( $handle = opendir(".") ) { $lightbox = rand(); echo '
    '; $count = 0; $skip = $page * $per_page; if ( $skip != 0 ) $has_previous = true; while ( $count < $skip && ($file = readdir($handle)) !== false ) { if ( !is_dir($file) && ($type = getPictureType($file)) != '' ) $count++; } $count = 0; while ( $count < $per_page && ($file = readdir($handle)) !== false ) { if ( !is_dir($file) && ($type = getPictureType($file)) != '' ) { if ( ! is_dir('thumbs') ) { mkdir('thumbs'); } if ( ! file_exists('thumbs/'.$file) ) { makeThumb( $file, $type ); } echo '
  • '; echo ''; echo '
  • '; $count++; } } echo '
'; while ( ($file = readdir($handle)) !== false ) { if ( !is_dir($file) && ($type = getPictureType($file)) != '' ) { $has_next = true; break; } } } } function getPictureType($file) { $split = explode('.', $file); $ext = $split[count($split) - 1]; if ( preg_match('/jpg|jpeg/i', $ext) ) { return 'jpg'; } else if ( preg_match('/png/i', $ext) ) { return 'png'; } else if ( preg_match('/gif/i', $ext) ) { return 'gif'; } else { return ''; } } function makeThumb( $file, $type ) { global $max_width, $max_height; if ( $type == 'jpg' ) { $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); } else if ( $type == 'png' ) { $src = imagecreatefrompng($file); } else if ( $type == 'gif' ) { $src = imagecreatefromgif($file); } if ( ($oldW = imagesx($src)) < ($oldH = imagesy($src)) ) { $newW = $oldW * ($max_width / $oldH); $newH = $max_height; } else { $newW = $max_width; $newH = $oldH * ($max_height / $oldW); } $new = imagecreatetruecolor($newW, $newH); imagecopyresampled($new, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $newW, $newH, $oldW, $oldH); if ( $type == 'jpg' ) { imagejpeg($new, 'thumbs/'.$file); } else if ( $type == 'png' ) { imagepng($new, 'thumbs/'.$file); } else if ( $type == 'gif' ) { imagegif($new, 'thumbs/'.$file); } imagedestroy($new); imagedestroy($src); } ?>
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