Simple ifelse statement help.


I’d like to take the time to thank you for looking into this for me. Though I’m sure its extremely simple I still need some help. I’ve been using Codecademy to learn PHP and I’ve been hung up on this ifelse statement. I’ve checked the code 3 times over to see if I’m missing anything but unable to locate the issue. I return an error on line 5. Thanks for your help ahead of time!


<?php $items = 6; // Set this to a number greater than 5! if ($items > 5); { echo "You get a 10% discount!"; } elseif ($items = 1) { echo "Sorry, no discount!"; } else { echo "You get a 5% discount!"; } ?>


I found my error in line 3! syntax ftw. Thanks for looking into it though ;]

this would be fine, don’t use semicolon after if statement :slight_smile:

$items = 6; // Set this to a number greater than 5!
if ($items > 5) {
echo “You get a 10% discount!”;
elseif ($items == 1) {
echo “Sorry, no discount!”;
else {
echo “You get a 5% discount!”;

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