Server Help

I have created a website in windows that uses mysql and PHP. I need to put this website on a USB stick. My problem is that I can not find a server that is cross platform. I need the database to be read by a Mac, Linux or windows machine.

Do you have any suggestions???

XAMPP ( has a Windows, Linux & Mac version. You could put each version on the USB stick and then just start the right one depending on the OS.

If I use xamp, can the same database be read by all 3 systems? How would you go about doing that?

XAMPP has MySQL compiled for all 3 platforms. I don’t know if MySQL on different platforms will use the exact same format, would of thought so but not sure.

If you use a SQLite DB it should work no problem and then you would only need PHP and Apache to run on each platform.

hi snowfox, this one is your totally technical problem. I don’t know whether you except my advice or not but what i would suggest you better you can take a help of mac, Linux or windows machine expert. Because they only one who can advice you properly and suggest you about the solution of your problem what you facing. And one thing more if you want the contact details of expert so i could provide you.

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