Reversing display order

I need help with this function. currently it displays data from a sql server and it will display multiple items by date. I want to display the same data but by newest date first. Here is code for displaying the earliest date first.

public function displayMediaShortListReverse() {
global $LN;

	if(!isset($this->media)) {
		return false;
	$html = "";
	foreach($this->media as $mID => $m) {
		$html .= '<tr>';
		$html .= '		<td class="date" valign="top">'.$m['date'].'</td>';
		$html .= '		<td class="bold" valign="top">';
		if($m['status']=="Yes") {
			$html .= '<a href="/media/?v='.$mID.'">'.htmlentities($m['title'],ENT_COMPAT,"UTF-8").'</a>';
		} else {
			$html .= htmlentities($m['title'],ENT_COMPAT,"UTF-8");

		if($m['author'][0] or sizeof($m['author']) > 1) {
			$html .= '			<span class="tblaudio-author tblaudio-top"><strong>'.$LN[26][LANGUAGE].'</strong>'; // Speaker
			$values = "";
			foreach($m['author'] as $author) {
				$values .= $this->displayHTML($author).", ";
			$values = trim($values,", ");
			$html .= $values;
			$html .= '</span>';
		if($m['scripture']) {
			$html .= '			<span class="tblaudio-author"><strong>'.$LN[28][LANGUAGE].'</strong>'.htmlentities($m['scripture'],ENT_COMPAT,"UTF-8").'</span>'; // Scripture
		if(isset($m['group'])) {
			$groupData = "";
			foreach($m['group'] as $gID => $gTitle) {
				$groupData .= $gTitle.", ";
			$groupData = trim($groupData,", ");
			$html .= 			'<span class="tblaudio-author"><strong>'.$LN[60][LANGUAGE].'</strong> '.$this->displayHTML($groupData); // Groups
			$html .= 		'</span>';
		$html .= '		</td>';
		$html .= '		<td valign="top" class="tbl-audio-icons">';
		if(isset($m['file'])) {
			foreach($m['file'] as $file) {
				if(strpos($file['location'],"http://")===false) {
					$loc = FILES_URL.$file['location'];
				} else {
					$loc = $file['location'];

				if($file['format']=="audio/x-mpeg" || $file['format']=="audio/mpeg") {
					$html .= '			<a class="mp3" href="'.$loc.'">MP3</a>';
				if($file['format']=="application/pdf") {
					$html .= '			<a class="pdf" href="'.$loc.'">'.$LN[29][LANGUAGE].'</a>'; // Notes

		if($m['connector'] and $m['connectorType']=="Vimeo") {
			$html .= '			<a class="video2" href="/media/?v='.$mID.'" title="'.$LN[30][LANGUAGE].'">'.$LN[30][LANGUAGE].'</a>'; // Online Video
		$html .= '		</td>';
		$html .= '	</tr>';
	return $html;

How do I work it to where it displays the most recent date first?

it can be simply done in the query itself.

whereever u’ve written the query, u can add ‘order by datefield desc’ at the end of query.

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