Returning String when If is true, and Boolean when If is false.

Thanks in advance for any help on this issue!

I want the function get_single to return the $employeeList ARRAY when the IF statement is correct, and a BOOLEAN when the IF is not correct, and therefore FALSE.

Right now I’m only getting a BOOLEN when I run a unit test (using CodeIgniter). What am I doing wrong?


public function get_single()
 //--ID from Post
        $id = $this->input->post('empid');
        settype($id, "integer"); 
// Query        
    $query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM employees WHERE id= $id;");
            $employeeList = $query->result_array();

// If rows results are less than 0 then return false.
        if ($query->num_rows($employeeList) > 0) {

            return $employeeList; 
// If value is less than 0        
        else return false;        


You could simply remove the else. I believe that’s a syntax error anyways.

if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
return $employeeList;
return false;

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