registration and login problem

My myaql file php resistration file, login and logout file are but it does not work When i press submit, but html form shows but data donot save. And for this i don’t go login page. Please solve problem.


 * Returns true if the username has been taken
 * by another user, false otherwise.
function usernameTaken($username){
   global $conn;
      $username = addslashes($username);
   $q = "select username from users where username = '$username'";
   $result = mysql_query($q,$conn);
   return (mysql_numrows($result) > 0);

 * Inserts the given (username, password) pair
 * into the database. Returns true on success,
 * false otherwise.
function addNewUser($username, $password){
   global $conn;
   $q = "INSERT INTO users VALUES ('$username', '$password')";
   return mysql_query($q,$conn);

 * Displays the appropriate message to the user
 * after the registration attempt. It displays a 
 * success or failure status depending on a
 * session variable set during registration.
function displayStatus(){
   $uname = $_SESSION['reguname'];

<p>Thank you <b><? echo $uname; ?></b>, your information has been added to the database, you may now <a href="main.php" title="Login">log in</a>.</p>


<h1>Registration Failed</h1>
<p>We're sorry, but an error has occurred and your registration for the username <b><? echo $uname; ?></b>, could not be completed.<br>
Please try again at a later time.</p>


 * This is the page that will be displayed after the
 * registration has been attempted.

<title>Registration Page</title>

<? displayStatus(); ?>



 * Determines whether or not to show to sign-up form
 * based on whether the form has been submitted, if it
 * has, check the database for consistency and create
 * the new account.
   /* Make sure all fields were entered */
   if(!$_POST['user'] || !$_POST['pass']){
      die('You didn't fill in a required field.');

   /* Spruce up username, check length */
   $_POST['user'] = trim($_POST['user']);
   if(strlen($_POST['user']) > 30){
      die("Sorry, the username is longer than 30 characters, please shorten it.");

   /* Check if username is already in use */
      $use = $_POST['user'];
      die("Sorry, the username: <strong>$use</strong> is already taken, please pick another one.");

   /* Add the new account to the database */
   $md5pass = md5($_POST['pass']);
   $_SESSION['reguname'] = $_POST['user'];
   $_SESSION['regresult'] = addNewUser($_POST['user'], $md5pass);
   $_SESSION['registered'] = true;
   echo "<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;url=$HTTP_SERVER_VARS[PHP_SELF]">";
 * This is the page with the sign-up form, the names
 * of the input fields are important and should not
 * be changed.

<title>Registration Page</title>
<form action="<? echo $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
<table align="left" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
<tr><td>Username:</td><td><input type="text" name="user" maxlength="30"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Password:</td><td><input type="password" name="pass" maxlength="30"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2" align="right"><input type="submit" name="subjoin" value="Join!"></td></tr>


Have you tried to use error_reporting(E_ALL);? If so, what errors did you get? Have you tried Debugging? If so, I’m sure you’ve traced the bug back to where it actually is in your code. Where’s the bug? Which is the relevant code?

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