Purchased software now stuck

hello guys, i purchased a software around $180 and now i am stuck and almost regretting. This is my only hope…

Its a job searching software, it installs and works fine as is, but when i want it to output somewhere in my website it doesnt work right. The code below is from the software and when i use it it outputs everything UNDER my footer!! soo weird as it is only placed at the begging of the file…

i marked !!!######## to show where i want the output.
I marked ///////SOFTWARE CODE I PURCHASED where the code from the software comes…

by using deduction logic i tested the first chunk of code at the begining of the file is responsible for outputing under the footer…can someone please instruct me how to arrange the output for me to where i need it?

thanks so much and sorry if this is confusing…mind the HTML its just joomla in cosmetic form (no joomla software)


  • Page header/footer/background/images properties:
    1. Find right page_id for page. Check for page mode - if there is a
  • variable with the name equal to the field “mode” of the page,
  • assume that page_id. Otherwise, page_id=ID of the page where mode is null.
  • Also, a little heuristic to determine ‘check_x’ variable.
    1. Fetch info for that page_id
      if(!$page_id) {
      $q=sqlquery(“select page_id,mode,navgroup,length(header_img),last_visit<’”.date(‘Y-m-01’)."’ from pages
      where substring_index(pages.name,’/’,-1)=’".(basename($PHP_SELF))."’");
      while(list($x_page_id,$x_mode,$navgroup,$x_has_header,$reset_hits)=sqlfetchrow($q)) {
      if($x_mode && ($_POST[$x_mode] || $_GET[$x_mode] ||
      $GLOBALS[$x_mode] || ($x_mode==‘check’ && (
      $_POST[$x_mode.’_x’] || $_GET[$x_mode.’_x’] ||
      $GLOBALS[$x_mode.’_x’])))) {
      if(!$page_id) {
      select page_id,navgroup,length(header_img),last_visit<’".date(‘Y-m-01’)."’ from pages
      where (mode=’’ or mode is null) and

select title,header,footer,background,length(image1),
from pages_properties
where pages_properties.page_id=’$page_id’");
select length(header),header_align,length(footer),footer_align,
from navlinks where navgroup=’$navgroup’");
/* log the last visit time to the page, and increase (or reset) hits number /
update pages set hits=".($reset_hits?“1”:“hits+1”).",last_visit=now()
where page_id=’$page_id’");
check the hits limit, and issue a warning if necessary */
if($job_hits_limit && $navgroup==1) {
switch($navgroup) {
case 1:
$notice=“Recruiter pages”;
if(hits_number($navgroup,2)>$limit) {
echo “$notice are disabled. Please contact support.”;


select navbutton_bg,powered_bg from config");


<?php echo stripslashes($x_title); ?> <?php echo $x_meta; ?> ////SOFTWARE CODE I PURCHASED p { color: <?php echo $x_color; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $x_font_size; ?>pt; font-family: Helvetica, Arial } table { border: 0; } th { background-color: #aaaaff; color: black; font-size: <?php echo $x_font_size; ?>pt; font-family: Helvetica, Arial; } td { color: <?php echo $x_color; ?>; font-size: <?php echo $x_font_size; ?>pt; font-family: Helvetica, Arial } input { font-size: <?php echo $x_font_size; ?>pt; background-color: #eeeeee;}; h1 { font-size: 18pt; } h2 { font-size: 16pt; }
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<?php switch($header_align) { case '1': $header_align='left'; break; case '2': $header_align='center'; break; case '3': $header_align='right'; break; default: $header_align='left'; break; } if(!$header_html) { ?>


<?php } // !$header_html else echo $header_html; list($allow_register,$allow_featured)=sqlget(" select allow_register,featured from job_config"); if($user_id) { $pub=0; } else { $pub=1; } if($max_resume) { list($resume_number)=sqlget("select count(*) from resume"); if($resume_number>=$max_resume) $allow_register=0; } $q=sqlquery(" select name,url,color from navigation where active=1 and pub in (2,'$pub') order by sort asc"); $numrows=sqlnumrows($q); if($numrows) echo ""; while(list($name,$url,$color)=sqlfetchrow($q)) { if(!$allow_register && $url=='resume_register.php') continue; if(!$user_id && $url=='home.php') $url='main.php'; list($baseurl,$junk)=explode('?',$url); if($baseurl==basename($PHP_SELF) && (($baseurl=='kb.php' && $QUERY_STRING=='favorites=1' && $url=='kb.php?favorites=1') || ($baseurl=='kb.php' && !$QUERY_STRING && $url=='kb.php') || $baseurl!='kb.php')) { $curr='class=Arial12Yellow'; $currname=$name; } else $curr=''; echo ""; } if($numrows) echo " "; if(!$header_html) { if(strpos($PHP_SELF,'main.php')===false) { echo ""; if($x_has_header) echo ""; else echo ""; echo ""; } // !main.php else { if(!$has_mainimg2) echo ""; else echo ""; } } ?>




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<li class="latestnews-left">
	<a href="http://fccg.com.kw/index.php?option=com_content&amp;task=view&amp;id=51&amp;Itemid=26" class="latestnews-left">
		Future to Authentec: e-Management of Sales and Services POSS Program</a>
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	<a href="http://fccg.com.kw/index.php?option=com_content&amp;task=view&amp;id=50&amp;Itemid=26" class="latestnews-left">
		Al-Awadi: FCC is awarded Two ISO certificates for all its affiliate companies.</a>
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	<a href="http://fccg.com.kw/index.php?option=com_content&amp;task=view&amp;id=49&amp;Itemid=26" class="latestnews-left">
		FCC is ranked first in Data Lines Sales</a>
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	<a href="http://fccg.com.kw/index.php?option=com_content&amp;task=view&amp;id=48&amp;Itemid=26" class="latestnews-left">
		Future Stock is open for trading</a>
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		Prelisting seminar</a>
</ul>			</td>
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	<table class="contentpaneopen">
		<td valign="top" colspan="2">
			FCCG is a holding company operating through its subsidiaries namely five (5) businesses whose main business interest is NOKIA Mobile Wholesale, Retail and Services Provider, NOKIA Networks, Radio Frequency Identification Technology, Information Technology and Wireless Service Provider.<br /><br />FCCG&rsquo;s place in the State of Kuwait business has for its cornerstone a business portfolio of market leaders, strong financial capability, remarkable management team, and a vision of leading the country to global-competitiveness and making life better for every citizen of Kuwait.&nbsp;			</td>

	<span class="article_seperator">&nbsp;</span>

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        <td width="174" valign="top" class="boxbg2">		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="moduletable-box1">
			<th valign="top">
				Corporate Governance				</th>
			In today&rsquo;s increasingly global marketplace, sound corporate governance plays a critical role to create value for its businesses and stakeholders and to contribute to the overall development of the society it serves.			</td>
        <td width="174" valign="top" class="boxbg2">		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="moduletable-box2">
			<th valign="top">
				Business Interest				</th>
			FCCG is the leading company in advance communication industry in the State of Kuwait, with strategic investment in the communications services and infrastructure businesses which contribute to the countries long-term development.			</td>
        <td width="174" valign="top" class="boxbg2">		<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="moduletable-box3">
			<th valign="top">
				Telecommunication				</th>
			Full-service telecommunications provider with digital wireless communication, data transmission, local and international communication and mobile-commerce services 			</td>
<td width="12" valign="top" class="mainbodybg">&nbsp;</td>
<td width="12" valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
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