Problem with array

I was trying to read two data using a variable, I don’t know if it is because of the size of the data or something else. Here I gives that particular code. Hope someone could help me. Thanks in Advance…
[php]$registrationIDs = array(“APA91bF6qKCxWjroYRHRnYcg14-6FG3MWn03AYRzb-zh_Zd_RrKlBKhvK0dnFZIT7J0UVSzvaEQDehpf8IbTGRLI22qof3wCTQqZ-RcSeuFohQxsLmZso4gw245V6sMfljDQJ2WnqWmEUGcQRgYPPrssLv31_R4F_NOVj3v8faQyXtlFCdysr34”,“APA91bGuG-VvBU3R0f_cqNDK62wxPMaqwqRSTvaZthVy6CzcRn34XxcpeluGYXGXnLE4RGhLWHWy2p84j0uMNVBpjbqOyEcJFJXf-ZMxUFlUudi8XWvFrk033UKEfgsfHr3wGhdoTTil9l75VQlkmp8iylj_QYhJ4EiBEg0xf8M3bCihn3_2lt8”);[/php]

You’ll need to give us a bit more info than that. All you show is the value of the array, nothing about what you are trying to do with it or the code related to that. Explain more.


echo $registrationIDs[0];
echo $registrationIDs[1];[/php]

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