problem using LIMIT

using this mysql syntax. my script is returning that the syntax near “limit 10” is wrong.:

mysql_query( “SELECT * FROM “.$tablename.” WHERE id=”.$id." LIMIT 10" );

anybody can help me, it’d be much appreciated. my friend has also been helping me work out some kinks in the script as well. :wink:

$sql = ‘SELECT * FROM ’ . $tablename . ’ WHERE id="’ . $id . ‘" LIMIT 10;’;
mysql_query( $sql );

Note the singe versus double quotes and that the double quotes I do have are escaped.

already tried that, and it really couldn’t matter much whether i used single quote or double quotes for the varying roles. i tried both ways, but neither worked. what actually happened though is my friend helped me out by writing a seperate script for the function that’s called that uses mysql_data_seek. here’s the script:

function printcomments( $tablename, $id, $offset=“10” ) {

$comments_querystring = "SELECT title, author, date, post FROM ".$tablename." WHERE id = '".$id."' LIMIT ".$offset;
$comments_query = mysql_query($comments_querystring) or die( "Couldn't query: ".mysql_error() );

$comments_output = "<table>";
for($i=0; $i < 10; $i++) {

	if( !mysql_data_seek( $comments_query, $i ) ) {
	$comments_object = mysql_fetch_object($comments_query);

	$comments_output .= "<tr><td><b>title:</b> ".$comments_object->title."</td></tr>";
	$comments_output .= "<tr><td><b>posted by:</b> ".$comments_object->author." on ".$comments_object->date."</td></tr>";
	$comments_output .= "<tr><td><b>comment:</b><br />n".$comments_object->post."</td></tr>";
$comments_output .= "</table>";

return $comments_output;


the function is stored in a seperate file from the script calling the function.

the results of calling this script from a seperate documment, view_comments.php (see below for script) can be seen at … ype=a&id=9

script of view_comments.php:
if( isset( $_GET[‘type’] ) and isset( $_GET[‘id’] ) ) {
$type = $_GET[‘type’];
$id = $_GET[‘id’];

include( "mysql_info.php" );

$conn = mysql_connect( "localhost", $mysql_username, $mysql_password );
mysql_select_db( "time2ch_comments" );

include( "printcomments.php" );

if( $type == "a" ) {
	if( isset( $_GET['offset'] ) ){
		printcomments( "article", $id, $_GET['offset'].", 10" );
	} else {
		printcomments( "article", $id );
} elseif( $type == "p" ) {
	if( isset( $_GET['offset'] ) ) {
		printcomments( "poll", $id, $_GET['offset'].", 10" );
	} else {
		printcomments( "poll", $id );

mysql_close( $conn );

} else {
print “Error: Link has incorrect syntax.
Please contact the webmaster.
Include the following: n

  • Name
  • n
  • Time of error
  • n
  • Which article or poll you were trying to comment on

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