Problem in classified website new ad php file

I am using open classifieds. I intergrated solvemedia captcha for new ad registraion file. But I am getting syntax error at line 157. Kindly help me. See whether i integrated solvemedia captcha correctly or not.!


<?php require_once('../includes/header.php'); if (file_exists(SITE_ROOT.'/themes/'.THEME.'/item-new.php')){//item-new from the theme! require_once(SITE_ROOT.'/themes/'.THEME.'/item-new.php'); } else{//not found in theme if (LOGON_TO_POST){ $account = Account::createBySession(); if ($account->exists){ $name = $account->name; $email = $account->email; } else redirect(accountLoginURL()); } if (!isInSpamList($client_ip)){//no spammer require_once('../includes/classes/resize.php'); if ($_POST){ newPost(); }//if post ?> <?php if ($_POST){ $error = false; $resp = solvemedia_check_answer (get_option('2FeGXtEeVi--zXskm3NdAsLkUvL-GMyo'),$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"],$_POST["adcopy_challenge"],$_POST["adcopy_response"]); if(!$resp->is_valid) { $error = true; $error_text .= __('The captcha is wrong!', "wpct")."
";//wrong email address } ?>

<?php _e("Publish a new Ad");?> <?php echo $categoryName;?>

<?php if (!isset($idCategory)){?> <?php _e("Category");?>:
<?php if (is_numeric(cP("category"))) $selectedCategory=cP("category"); if (PARENT_POSTS){ $query="SELECT idCategory,name,(select name from ".TABLE_PREFIX."categories where idCategory=C.idCategoryParent) FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."categories C order by idCategoryParent, `order`"; sqlOptionGroup($query,"category",$selectedCategory); } else{ $query="SELECT idCategory,name,(select name from ".TABLE_PREFIX."categories where idCategory=C.idCategoryParent) FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."categories C where C.idCategoryParent!=0 order by idCategoryParent, `order`"; sqlOptionGroup($query,"category",$selectedCategory); } ?>
<?php } else echo "" ?> <?php _e("Type");?>:
<?php _e("offer");?> <?php _e("need");?>
<?php if (LOCATION){?> <?php _e("Location");?>:
<?php if (is_numeric(cP("location"))) $selectedLocation=cP("location"); $query="SELECT idLocation,name,(select name from ".TABLE_PREFIX."locations where idLocation=C.idLocationParent) FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."locations C order by idLocationParent, idLocation"; echo sqlOptionGroup($query,"location",$selectedLocation); ?> <?php }?>
<?php _e("Place");?>:
<?php if (MAP_KEY==""){//not google maps?> " size="69" maxlength="120" />
<?php } else{//google maps if ($_POST["place"]!="") $m_value=$_POST["place"]; else $m_value=MAP_INI_POINT; ?>
<?php }?>
<?php _e("Title");?>*:
" size="61" maxlength="120" onblur="validateText(this);" lang="false" /> " maxlength="8" onkeypress="return isNumberKey(event);" /><?php echo CURRENCY;?>

<?php _e("Description");?>*:
<?php if (HTML_EDITOR){?>
   <script type="text/javascript">var SITE_URL="<?php echo SITE_URL;?>";</script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo SITE_URL;?>/includes/js/nicEdit.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">
     bkLib.onDomLoaded(function() { nicEditors.allTextAreas() });
  <textarea rows="10" cols="73" name="description" id="description"><?php echo stripslashes($_POST['description']);?></textarea>
<?php } else{?>
  <textarea rows="10" cols="73" name="description" id="description" onblur="validateText(this);"  lang="false"><?php echo strip_tags($_POST['description']);?></textarea><?php }?>

<?php _e("Your Name");?>*:
" maxlength="75" onblur="validateText(this);" lang="false" />
<?php if ($email!=""){?> <?php } else { echo T_("Email (not published)")."*:
"; ?> " maxlength="120" onblur="validateEmail(this);" lang="false" />
<?php }?> <?php _e("Your Phone (published)");?>:
" maxlength="11" />
<?php if (VIDEO){?> <?php _e("YouTube video");?>:
" onclick="youtubePrompt();" size="40" />
<?php } ?> <?php if (MAX_IMG_NUM>0){ echo ""; echo "
".T_("Upload pictures max file size").": ".(MAX_IMG_SIZE/1000000)."Mb ".T_("format")." ".IMG_TYPES."
"; for ($i=1;$i<=MAX_IMG_NUM;$i++){?> <?php _e("Picture");?> <?php echo $i?>:" />
<?php } } ?>
<?php if (CAPTCHA){ mathCaptcha('newitem');?>
<?php }?> <?php _e('Type the two words', "wpct");?> <?php echo solvemedia_get_html(get_option('T2m.tQ5bGsUiRpLbXxa7df5s0dYnLNnB')); ?>
<?php if (PAYPAL_ACTIVE) echo T_('Price to post using Paypal: ').PAYPAL_AMOUNT.PAYPAL_CURRENCY.'

<input type=“submit” id=“submit” value="<?php _e("Post it!");?>" />

<?php } else {//is spammer alert(T_("NO Spam!")); jsRedirect(SITE_URL); }

}//if else


Please put your code inside of [ php ] [ /php ] tags (use without spaces) - as shown in the IMPORTANT message above the text box used to create posts. Could you show which line is 157?

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