Please check database settings at vars.php file

Hi, My script has a automatic install feature… So the install.php is really the sql.php. I’m getting a error. The info is correct, same as the DB info.

Any ideas, much appreciated!
Also, could I do it the regular way like just install the info in the DB myself??

Thanks, Leo Duchaine

(install.php, this script is a self install type...) <?php


$installpathurl = ‘http://’.$_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’].$_SERVER[“PHP_SELF”];

$installpathurl = str_replace(basename($_SERVER[“PHP_SELF”]),’’,$installpathurl);

$sqlarray = array(

etc, etc,

Unable to connect to the database server - Access denied for user ‘lduchain_admin’@‘localhost’ (using password: YES).
Please check database settings at vars.php file or
(user and pass are correct)

Click Here to Retry.

(vars.php below)

mysql_connect($db_host, $db_user, $db_pwd);
if (isset($_GET[‘ref’]) && is_numeric($_GET[‘ref’]) && !isset($_SESSION[‘refdata’])) {
$rck = mysql_query(“SELECT id, acctype FROM user WHERE id=$_GET[ref] && status=‘Active’”);
if (mysql_num_rows($rck) != 0) {
$acctype = mysql_result($rck, 0, “acctype”);
$creditme = mysql_result(mysql_query(“SELECT rpgebonus FROM acctype WHERE id=$acctype”), 0);
$_SESSION[‘ref’] = $_GET[‘ref’];
$ipis = $_SERVER[‘REMOTE_ADDR’];
$validip = ‘no’;
if (is_string($ipis) && ereg(’^([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3}).’ . ‘([0-9]{1,3}).([0-9]{1,3})$’, $ipis, $sect)) {
if ($sect[1] <= 255 && $sect[2] <= 255 && $sect[3] <= 255 && $sect[4] <= 255) {
$validip = ‘yes’;
$recip = “$sect[1].$sect[2].$sect[3]”;
} else {
$validip = ‘no’;
} else {
$validip = ‘no’;
if ($validip == ‘yes’ && $recip != “” && $creditme > 0) {
$_SESSION[‘ref’] = $_GET[‘ref’];
$ressu = mysql_query(“SELECT id FROM referstats WHERE usrid=$_GET[ref] && refip=’$recip’”) or die (mysql_error());
if (mysql_num_rows($ressu) == 0) {
$todayis = date(“Y-m-d”);
$timeis = date(“H:i:s”);
$htt_ref = $_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERRER’];
if ($htt_ref == “”) {
$htt_ref = “Direct Request/Referring Info Blocked”;
@mysql_query(“INSERT INTO referstats (usrid, orgip, refip, cdate, ctime, httpref, browser) VALUES ($_GET[ref], ‘$ipis’, ‘$recip’, ‘$todayis’, ‘$timeis’, ‘$htt_ref’, '”.$_SERVER[‘HTTP_USER_AGENT’]."’)") or die (mysql_error());
if ($creditme > 0) { @mysql_query(“UPDATE user SET credits=credits+$creditme, rpage_credits=rpage_credits+$creditme, lifetime_credits=lifetime_credits+$creditme WHERE id=$_GET[ref]”) or die (mysql_error()); $iearned_n = “Your sponsor just earned $creditme credits for showing you this page. Become a member and you can too!”; }
} else {
$_GET[‘ref’] = 0;


<?php //===========Your Sites Main Settings===========// //Database host (usually localhost): $db_host = 'localhost'; //Database username: cs2_ $db_user = 'lduchain_admin'; //Database password: cs2_ $db_pwd = 'zaz@&-#}pMZx'; //Database name: $db_name = 'lduchain_dbase'; //Payout Merchants (follow suit - "1" => "PayPal", "2" => "Payza" etc...): $payout_merchants = array("1" => "PayPal", "2" => "Payza", "3" => "Bitcoin"); ################################################################## /* Don't go below this point, Unless you know what to do. */ ################################################################### //Main header root loaction: $m_header = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/header.php'; etc, etc.

Copy and paste what you get from this,

[php]<?php phpinfo(); [/php]

create a new file, add that, go to the page and take a screen shot.

Your script uses dangerous obsolete mysql code that has been completely removed from Php and will not work at all in current versions of Php.

Hi again,

Yes, sounds like I need to use a more up to date script. Thought I would give it a try.

Thanks to all for the suggestions and advice,
Leo Duchaine

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