PhpmyAdmin help

Hi all
I am a student in a mySQL/Php class where we are learning on PHPmyadmin but the book shows all the examples in the command line format. The problem is a lot of tiny things that I wouldn’t know as a student, are not the same in PHPMyADMIN interface . My current task is select data. I can do this by selecting all rows, or by selecting ONE row. The next thing to learn is how to Select more than one row in limited results. The book says SELECT first_name, last_name From users;
I know that I do not put in the semicolon, but ommitting and hitting go still gives me an error.
I am in SQL Tab and I get this from SELECT TAB:

exactly what do I write to select first_name and last_name From users using PHP my Admin SELECT Tab? My version is 3.5.3. I did order a book on Amazon as I am not finding a lot of resources for PHPmyAdmin online. THANK YOU in advance.

Sorry I wrote the wrong problem… I have been trying to find help online so long I am getting squirrely.
I do know how to select one or two columns in PhpADMIN
The problem is using conditional. My task is SELECT*From users Where last_name= ‘Simpson’;The Select button on MYQL tab gives me this:
SELECT user_id, first_name, last_name, email, pass, registration_date FROM users WHERE 1

The SELECT* tab gives me this:
I keep SELECT*FROM’users’ WHERE last_name = ‘Simpson’ and pressing Go and then I get an error.

I figured it out… I guess I was too perplexed and tired to do it before… :slight_smile: Thanks

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