phpMyAdmin fatal javascript error

just wanted to check my databases. I am using Ubuntu 22.04 I log in to


and I see nasty red messages:

A fatal JavaScript error has occurred. Would you like to send an error report?

I click

send error report

, but just get more such messages.

I saw some older threads on stackoverflow saying PageXray extension was the cause, but I don’t have that extension.

I use Vivaldi browser, but the same is happening in Firefox.

If I click any of the tabs in phpmyadmin, I see a message “Loading” and a rotating symbol, but nothing loads, it never stops.

Any tips please? How can I identify the javascript culprit?

Previously I could access my database from Vivaldi, no problem. Also, to check my database integrity, I opened mysql from the command line, chose a database, selected data from a table, no problem. So I would say this is not a MySQL problem.

Opening your browser’s developer tools, console tab may provide some information pointing to what is causing the problem.


From what I understand; the problem has nothing to do with you trying to access your database programmatically but when you try to open phpMyAdmin from your browser?

The easy answer seems to be to try and reinstall XAMPP on your computer?

Thanks for your replies!

Yes, using phpMyAdmin in the browser stopped working.

The problem lay in /usr/share/javascript files were all owner root, group root

Not sure how that happened. An update.

I set owner pedro (= me) and group www-data

I am told this is not good, but it is better than a phpMyAdmin not working when I need it!

If I held important or sensitive data, I might have tried harder!

Afterwards, I remembered I had the same problem once before, and solved it the same way!

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