Everytime i upload a file using the script below i get 0 KB any clue as to why this is happening. And is there a way for me to see whats going on wrong with my code an error log or something,

#Start the PHP session

#Variables set to log into SQL database
	$SQLusername = 'xxxx';
	$SQLpassword = 'xxxx';
	$SQLdbname = 'xxxx';
	$db = mysql_connect("localhost", $SQLusername, $SQLpassword) or print mysql_error ();
	mysql_select_db($SQLdbname) or print mysql_error ();

#Checks to see if user is logged in
	if($_SESSION['sesLogIn'] != 1) {
$ID = $_GET['ID'];
$siteID = $_GET['siteID'];

$uploaddir = '/homes/html/images/temp/';
$uploadfile = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['newMap']['name']);
$uploadfile2 = $uploaddir . basename($_FILES['newLogo']['name']);
$uploadfile3 = '/homes/html/browse/brochures/' . basename($_FILES['newBrochure']['name']);
$uploadfile4 = '/homes/html/images/browse/banners/' .  $ID . ".jpg";
$uploadfile5 = '/homes/html/browse/features/' . basename($_FILES['newFeatures']['name']);

#upload image function	
		function createImage($imgname,$maxh,$maxw,$newname)
		  list($width, $height) = getimagesize($imgname);
		  if ($width < $maxw && $height < $maxh) {
		  	$new_height = $height;
			$new_width = $width;
		  } else {
			$ratio = ($width/$height);
			$new_height = sqrt(10000/$ratio);
			$new_width = $width * ($new_height / $height);
		  $image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
		  $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($imgname);
		  imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);  
			//Grab new image
			$image_buffer = ob_get_contents();
			//Create temporary file and write to it
			$fp = tmpfile();
			fwrite($fp, $image_buffer);
				//Upload new image
		$conn_id = ftp_connect('');
			$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id,'xxxx','xxxx_domain');
			if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) { 
        echo "FTP connection has failed!";
        echo "Attempted to connect to server "; 
    } else {
        echo "Connected ";

//set PASV mode
         echo "Could not enter PASV mode!";
			$upload = ftp_fput($conn_id,$newname, $fp, FTP_BINARY);
			if (!$upload) {
			} else {
   			echo "Uploaded Complete";
#Resize Image based on maximum width and maximum height
function resizeBoth($imgname,$maxh,$maxw,$newname) {
		  list($width, $height) = getimagesize($imgname);
		  if ($width < $maxw && $height < $maxh) {
		  	$new_height = $height;
			$new_width = $width;
		  } if ($width > $height) {
			$new_height = $height * ($maxw / $width);
			$new_width = $maxw;
		  } else {
			$new_height = $maxh;
			$new_width = $width * ($maxh / $height);
		  $image_p = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height);
		  $image = imagecreatefromjpeg($imgname);
		  imagecopyresampled($image_p, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height);  
			//Grab new image
			$image_buffer = ob_get_contents();
			//Create temporary file and write to it
			$fp = tmpfile();
			fwrite($fp, $image_buffer);
			//Upload new image
		$conn_id = ftp_connect('');
			$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id,'xxxx','xxxx_domain');
	if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result)) { 
        echo "FTP connection has failed!";
        echo "Attempted to connect to server "; 
    } else {
        echo "Connected ";
# Change Directory

	 if (@ftp__chdir ($conn_id,$uploaddir)) {
	 	   echo "Current Direcotry is now : ", ftp_pwd($conn_id), "n";
	 	 } else {
	 	 	 echo "Couldn't Change directoryn";
# Set PASV mode
         echo "Could not enter PASV mode!";
			$upload = ftp_fput($conn_id,$newname, $fp, FTP_BINARY);
			if (!$upload) {
			} else {
   			echo "Uploaded Complete";
#Checks to see if add/edit project has been submitted
	if(array_key_exists('submit', $_POST)) {
		if ($ID == "" || $ID == "new") {
			$query = "INSERT INTO psh_communities ";
			$query .= "(name,area,status,upcoming_description,current_description,current_details,completed_description)";
			$query .= " VALUES ('" . $_POST['communityName'] . "','" . $_POST['communityArea'] . "','" . $_POST['communityStatus'] . "','" . addslashes($_POST['communityUpDesc']) . "','" . addslashes($_POST['communityCurrDesc']) . "','" . addslashes($_POST['communityCurrDet']) . "','" . addslashes($_POST['communityCompDesc']) . "')";
			$result = mysql_query($query);
			$result = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(ID) from psh_communities");
			$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
			$newProjectID = $row[0];
			$result = mysql_query("SELECT MAX(orderID) from psh_communities");
			$row = mysql_fetch_row($result);
			$newOrderID = $row[0] + 1;
			$query = "UPDATE psh_communities SET orderID = '" . $newOrderID . "' WHERE ID = '" . $newProjectID . "'";
			$result = mysql_query ($query);
			header("Location: " . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?ID=" . $newProjectID);
		} else {
			$query = "UPDATE psh_communities SET name = '" . $_POST['communityName'] . "', area = '" . $_POST['communityArea'] . "', status = '" . $_POST['communityStatus'] . "', upcoming_description = '" . addslashes($_POST['communityUpDesc']) . "', current_description = '" . addslashes($_POST['communityCurrDesc']) . "', current_details = '" . addslashes($_POST['communityCurrDet']) . "', completed_description = '" . addslashes($_POST['communityCompDesc']) . "' WHERE ID = $ID";
			$result = mysql_query($query);
	if(array_key_exists('deleteImage', $_POST)) {
		if ($_POST['deleteImage'] == "Delete Map") {
				unlink('/homes/html/images/browse/maps/'. $ID . '.jpg');
				unlink('/homes/html/images/browse/maps/'. $ID . '-TH.jpg');
			} elseif ($_POST['deleteImage'] == "Delete Logo") {
				unlink('/homes/html/images/browse/logos/'. $ID . '.jpg');
			} elseif ($_POST['deleteImage'] == "Delete Features List") {
				$query = "SELECT * from psh_communities WHERE ID = $ID";
				$result = mysql_query($query);
				$row = mysql_fetch_row ($result);
				$query = "UPDATE psh_communities SET features = 'NULL' WHERE ID = $ID";
				$result = mysql_query($query);
				unlink('/homes/html/browse/features/'. $row[10]);
			} elseif ($_POST['deleteImage'] == "Delete Brochure") {
				$query = "SELECT * from psh_communities WHERE ID = $ID";
				$result = mysql_query($query);
				$row = mysql_fetch_row ($result);
				$query = "UPDATE psh_communities SET brochure = 'NULL' WHERE ID = $ID";
				$result = mysql_query($query);
				unlink('/homes/html/browse/brochures/'. $row[8]);
			}  elseif ($_POST['deleteImage'] == "Delete Banner") {
				unlink('/homes/html/images/browse/banners/'. $ID . '.jpg');

	if(array_key_exists('uploadNewMap', $_POST)) {
		if ($ID != "" && $ID != "new") {
				move_uploaded_file($_FILES['newMap']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile);
				resizeBoth($uploadfile,640,480,'/homes/html/images/browse/maps/' . $ID . '.jpg');

	if(array_key_exists('uploadNewLogo', $_POST)) {
		if ($ID != "" && $ID != "new") {
				move_uploaded_file($_FILES['newLogo']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile2);
				createImage($uploadfile2,100,400,'/homes/html/images/browse/logos/' . $ID . '.jpg');
				createImage($uploadfile2,100,160,'/homes/html/images/browse/logos/' . $ID . '-TH.jpg');
	if(array_key_exists('uploadNewFeatures', $_POST)) {
		if ($ID != "" && $ID != "new") {
				$query = "UPDATE psh_communities SET features = '" . $_FILES['newFeatures']['name'] . "' WHERE ID = $ID";
				$result = mysql_query($query);
				move_uploaded_file($_FILES['newFeatures']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile5);
	if(array_key_exists('uploadNewBrochure', $_POST)) {
		if ($ID != "" && $ID != "new") {
				$query = "UPDATE psh_communities SET brochure = '" . $_FILES['newBrochure']['name'] . "' WHERE ID = $ID";
				$result = mysql_query($query);
				move_uploaded_file($_FILES['newBrochure']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile3);
	if(array_key_exists('uploadNewBanner', $_POST)) {
		if ($ID != "" && $ID != "new") {
				move_uploaded_file($_FILES['newBanner']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile4);

#Checks to see if update project has been submitted
	if(array_key_exists('edit_x', $_POST)) {
			header("Location:" . $ID . "&ID=" . $siteID);
#Checks to see if delete project has been submitted
	if(array_key_exists('delete_x', $_POST)) {
			$query = "DELETE from psh_siteplans where ID = '$siteID'";
			$result = mysql_query($query) or print mysql_error();
			unlink('/homes/html/images/browse/renderings/'. $siteID . '.jpg');
			unlink('/homes/html/images/browse/renderings/'. $siteID . '-TH.jpg');
			unlink('/homes/html/images/browse/floorplans/'. $siteID . '.jpg');

#Checks to see if move up project has been submitted
	if(array_key_exists('up_x', $_POST)) {
			if ($siteID != 1) {
				$result = mysql_query("SELECT orderID from psh_siteplans where ID = '$siteID'") or print mysql_error();
				$row = mysql_fetch_row ($result);
				$oldID = $row[0];
				$query = "UPDATE psh_siteplans SET orderID = '0' where orderID = '$oldID' AND communityID = '$ID'";
				$result = mysql_query($query) or print mysql_error();
				$query = "UPDATE psh_siteplans SET orderID = '$oldID' where orderID = '" . ($oldID - 1) . "' AND communityID = '$ID'";
				$result = mysql_query($query) or print mysql_error();
				$query = "UPDATE psh_siteplans SET orderID = '" . ($oldID - 1) . "' where orderID = '0' AND communityID = '$ID'";
				$result = mysql_query($query) or print mysql_error();

#Checks to see if move down project has been submitted
	if(array_key_exists('down_x', $_POST)) {
				$result = mysql_query("SELECT orderID from psh_siteplans where ID = '$siteID'") or print mysql_error();
				$row = mysql_fetch_row ($result);
				$oldID = $row[0];
				$query = "UPDATE psh_siteplans SET orderID = '0' where orderID = '$oldID' AND communityID = '$ID'";
				$result = mysql_query($query) or print mysql_error();
				$query = "UPDATE psh_siteplans SET orderID = '$oldID' where orderID = '" . ($oldID + 1) . "' AND communityID = '$ID'";
				$result = mysql_query($query) or print mysql_error();
				$query = "UPDATE psh_siteplans SET orderID = '" . ($oldID + 1) . "' where orderID = '0' AND communityID = '$ID'";
				$result = mysql_query($query) or print mysql_error();

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				  <span class="menuheader">Edit Content For:</span>
				  <a href="index.php" id="on" style="padding-left:15px; padding-right:8px;">domain Scene Homes</a>	<br />
				  <a href="../pscomm/index.php" style="padding-left:15px; padding-right:8px;">domain Scene Commercial</a>	<br />
				  <a href="../legacy/index.php" style="padding-left:15px; padding-right:8px;">Legacy Building Services</a> <br />
				  <br />
				   <span class="menuheader">domain Scene Homes:</span>
				  <a href="testimonials.php"style="padding-left:15px; padding-right:8px;">Testimonials</a>	<br />
				  <a href="team.php" style="padding-left:15px; padding-right:8px;">Executive Team</a>	<br />
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				  				  <a href="press.php" style="padding-left:15px; padding-right:8px;">Press</a>	<br />	
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          <td width="529"><div id="primarycontent">
		   <h1>Web Site Administration: domain Scene Homes</h1>
					$query = "SELECT * from psh_communities WHERE ID = $ID";
					$result = mysql_query($query);
					$row = mysql_fetch_row ($result);
				if ($ID != "" && $ID != "new") { 
				print "EDIT PROJECT - " . $row[1]; 
				print "<p><a href='#siteplans'>View Site Plans</a><br />";
				print "<br /><a href='communities.php'>Back to List of Communities</a></p>";
				} else {
				print "ADD PROJECT";
				print "<p><a href='communities.php'>Back to List of Communities</a></p>";
			  <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<? print $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?ID=" . $ID ?>" method="POST">
                <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4">
                    <td align="right" valign="top"><div align="right">Community Name: </div></td>
                    <td align="left" valign="top"><input name="communityName" type="text" size="30" value="<? print $row[1]; ?>" /></td>
                    <td align="right" valign="top"><div align="right">Development Area: </div></td>
                    <td align="left" valign="top"><select name="communityArea">
                        <option value="Inland Empire" <? if ($row[2] == "Inland Empire") { print "selected"; } ?>>Inland Empire</option>
						<option value="San Diego" <? if ($row[2] == "San Diego") { print "selected"; } ?>>San Diego</option>
                    <td align="right" valign="top"><div align="right">Project Status: </div></td>
                    <td align="left" valign="top"><select name="communityStatus">
                      <option value="Inactive" <? if ($row[3] == "Inactive") { print "selected"; } ?>>Inactive</option>
                        <option value="Upcoming" <? if ($row[3] == "Upcoming") { print "selected"; } ?>>Upcoming</option>
						<option value="Current" <? if ($row[3] == "Current") { print "selected"; } ?>>Current</option>
                        <option value="Completed" <? if ($row[3] == "Completed") { print "selected"; } ?>>Completed</option>
                    <td align="right" valign="top"><div align="right"></div></td>
                    <td align="left" valign="top"><strong><br />
                    <td align="right" valign="top"><div align="right">Description:</div></td>
                    <td align="left" valign="top"><textarea name="communityUpDesc" cols="40"><? print stripslashes($row[4]); ?></textarea></td>
                    <td align="right" valign="top"><div align="right"></div></td>
                    <td align="left" valign="top"><strong><br />
                    <td align="right" valign="top"><div align="right">Logo:</div></td>
                    <td align="left" valign="top"><?
						if ($ID != "" && $ID != "new") { 
						if (file_exists("/homes/html/images/browse/logos/" . $ID . ".jpg")) {
							print "<img src='" . $ID . ".jpg' />"; 
							print "<input type='submit' name='deleteImage' value='Delete Logo' />";
						  print "<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="30000" />";
							print "<br />";
						print "<input name='newLogo' type='file' size='40' /><input type='submit' name='uploadNewLogo' value='Upload' />";
                    <td align="right" valign="top">Description:</td>
                    <td align="left" valign="top"><textarea name="communityCurrDesc" cols="40"><? print stripslashes($row[5]); ?></textarea></td>
                    <td align="right" valign="top">Details: </td>
                    <td align="left" valign="top"><textarea name="communityCurrDet" cols="40"><? print stripslashes($row[6]); ?></textarea></td>
                  <? $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) from psh_siteplans WHERE communityID = '$ID'";
				  	 $result = mysql_query($query);
					 $row2 = mysql_fetch_row($result);
                    <td align="right" valign="top">Site Plans: </td>
                    <td align="left" valign="top"><? print $row2[0]; ?> - <a href="#siteplans">view/edit below</a> </td>
                    <td align="right" valign="top">Location/Map: </td>
                    <td align="left" valign="top">
   					if ($ID != "" && $ID != "new") { 
  						if (file_exists("/homes/html/images/browse/maps/" . $ID . ".jpg")) {
  							print "<img src='" . $ID . ".jpg' />"; 
  							print "<input type='submit' name='deleteImage' value='Delete Map' />";
  							print "<br />";
  				print "<input name='newMap' type='file' size='40' /><input type='submit' name='uploadNewMap' value='Upload' />";
                      <td align="right" valign="top">Banner: </td>
                      <td align="left" valign="top"><?
						if ($ID != "" && $ID != "new") { 
						if (file_exists("/homes/html/images/browse/banners/" . $ID . ".jpg")) {
							print "<img src='" . $ID . ".jpg' width='234' height='43' />"; 
							print "<input type='submit' name='deleteImage' value='Delete Banner' />";
							print "<br />";
						print "<input name='newBanner' type='file' size='40' /><input type='submit' name='uploadNewBanner' value='Upload' />";
                      <td align="right" valign="top">Features List: </td>
                      <td align="left" valign="top"><?
						if ($ID != "" && $ID != "new") { 
						if (file_exists("/homes/html/browse/features/" . $row[10])) {
							print "<a href='" . $row[10] . "' target='_blank'>View Features List</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; 
							print "<input type='submit' name='deleteImage' value='Delete Features List' />";
							print "<br />";
						print "<input name='newFeatures' type='file' size='40' /><input type='submit' name='uploadNewFeatures' value='Upload' />";
                      <td align="right" valign="top">Brochure: </td>
                      <td align="left" valign="top"><?
						if ($ID != "" && $ID != "new") { 
						if (file_exists("/homes/html/browse/brochures/" . $row[8])) {
							print "<a href='" . $row[8] . "' target='_blank'>View Brochure</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;"; 
							print "<input type='submit' name='deleteImage' value='Delete Brochure' />";
							print "<br />";
						print "<input name='newBrochure' type='file' size='40' /><input type='submit' name='uploadNewBrochure' value='Upload' />";
                      <td align="right" valign="top"><div align="right"></div></td>
                      <td align="left" valign="top"><strong><br />
                      <td align="right" valign="top"><div align="right">Description:</div></td>
                      <td align="left" valign="top"><textarea name="communityCompDesc" cols="40"><? print stripslashes($row[7]); ?></textarea></td>
                      <td><br />
                      <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit" /></td>
					if ($ID != "" && $ID != "new") { 
				print "<p><a name='siteplans' id='siteplans'></a><strong>SITE PLANS </strong></p>";
				print "<p><a href='edit-siteplan.php?communityID=" . $ID . "&ID=new'>Add New Site Plan</a><br />";
				print "<a href='edit-features.php?communityID=" . $ID . "'>Edit Features List</a>";
				print "<br /><a href='communities.php'>Back to List of Communities</a></p>";
				} else {
				print "<p><a href='communities.php'>Back to List of Communities</a></p>";
					$query = "SELECT * from psh_siteplans WHERE communityID = '$ID' ORDER BY orderID";
				  	 $result = mysql_query($query);
					 while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)) {
						print "<form action=" . $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?ID=" . $ID . "&siteID=" . $row[0] . " method='POST'>";
						print "<table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='5'><tr>";
  	                  	$window = "'" . $row[0] . "','popUp','width=775,height=550'";
						print "<td width='206' rowspan='8' valign='top'>";
						if (file_exists("/homes/html/images/browse/renderings/" . $row[0] . "-TH.jpg")) {
							print '<a href="javascript:;"><img border="0" src="' . $row[0] . '-TH.jpg" onclick="MM_openBrWindow(' . $window . ')" /></a>';
						print "</td>";
						print "<td width='135'><strong>Model</strong></td>";
                  		print "<td>" . $row[1] . "</td></tr>";
  						print "<tr><td><strong>Appx Sq. Ft</strong>.</td>";
                  		print "<td>" . $row[2] . "</td></tr>";
						print "<tr><td><strong>Stories</strong>.</td>";
                  		print "<td>" . $row[3] . "</td></tr>";
						print "<tr><td><strong>Bedrooms</strong>.</td>";
                  		print "<td>" . $row[4] . "</td></tr>";
						print "<tr><td><strong>Baths</strong>.</td>";
                  		print "<td>" . $row[5] . "</td></tr>";
  						print "<tr><td><strong>Garage</strong>.</td>";
                  		print "<td>" . $row[6] . "</td></tr>";
						$window = "'" . $row[0] . "','popUp','width=825,height=625'";
						if (file_exists("/homes/html/images/browse/floorplans/" . $row[0] . ".jpg")) {
							print '<tr><td><a href="javascript:;" onclick="MM_openBrWindow(' . $window . ')">Floorplan</td></a>';
							print "<td>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
						$window = "'" . $row[0] . "','popUp','width=775,height=550'";
						if (file_exists("/homes/html/images/browse/renderings/" . $row[0] . "-TH.jpg")) {
							print '<tr><td><a href="javascript:;" onclick="MM_openBrWindow(' . $window . ')">Enlarged Rendering</td></a>';
							print "<td>&nbsp;</td></tr>";
  						print "<tr><td colspan='3' valign='top'><input name='edit' type='image' src='../../images/admin/edit.gif' value='" . $row[0] . "' />&nbsp;";
						print "<input name='delete' type='image' src='../../images/admin/delete.gif' value='" . $row[0] . "' />&nbsp;";
						print "<input name='up' type='image' src='../../images/admin/up.gif' value='" . $row[0] . "' />&nbsp;";
						print "<input name='down' type='image' src='../../images/admin/down.gif' value='" . $row[0] . "' /></td>";
    					print "</tr></table><br /></form>";

          </div> </td>

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Yes there is. It’s called Debugging :slight_smile:

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