PHP not working in latest Firefox, Chrome, Opera Safari. Works in IE

I administer a wordpress website, The theme is Ermark adora. The home page slider and cufon text no longer work in any of the latest browsers except IE. Can’t figure out if this is because of changes to the browsers or wordpress. Using latest wordpress 3.51(tried reinstalling back to wordpress 3.2 with no result. Any help would be appreciated.

The following is the code for the slider.
if (get_option(‘ermad_frontslider’)==‘true’){
$template_dir = get_bloginfo(‘template_directory’);

		$wp_slider_query = new WP_Query(array( 'post_type' => 'slide', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'orderby'=>'DATE', 'order'=>'ASC' ));
		$wp_slide_count = 0;
		$slider_err = null;
		if ($wp_slider_query->post_count){
				echo '
				<div class="section" id="slider">
					<div id="slider-wrapper">
					<div class="img-wrapper" id="slides">';
					 while ($wp_slider_query->have_posts()) : $wp_slider_query->the_post();		
							$custom = get_post_custom($post->ID);
							$image_id = get_post_thumbnail_id();  
							$image_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image_id,'article-slider');  
							if (array_key_exists('slide_url', $custom)){
								$slide_url = $custom["slide_url"][0];
								$slide_url = '#';
							if (array_key_exists('slide_link_title', $custom)){									
								$slide_link_title = $custom["slide_link_title"][0];
								$slide_link_title = __('more', 'adora');
							if ($image_id){
								if (get_option('ermad_sliderlinks')=='true'){
									echo '<a href="'.$slide_url.'" title="'.$slide_link_title.'"><img src="'.$image_url[0].'" alt="slide-'.$wp_slide_count.'" /></a>';				
									echo '<img src="'.$image_url[0].'" alt="slide-'.$wp_slide_count.'" />';				
								$slider_err .= '<div class="error">Error : Slide <strong>"'.get_the_title().'"</strong> does not have a featured image!</div>';
				echo '
					<div class="pager"></div>
			$slider_err .= '<div class="error">Error : There are no slides published to show!</div>';
		if ($slider_err != null){
			echo $slider_err;
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