PHP/MySQL List/Tree Menu


I’m a php newb and been pulling my hair out on this for several days and would like to ask for a little help.

I have this function that creates a simple (unordered list) menu from a mysql table but only shows the top level categories:

I need it to show all categories, including subs/sub-subs, in a list based (menu) structure with proper hierarchy.
Like this:

The function uses this db table:

The main{top level} categories use parent_id of 0. For sub categories, the category_id matches the parent_id but I can’t quite get a grasp on how to make this all work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You


function Category_Navigation()
	$catid = $GLOBALS['catid'];
	if($GLOBALS['categories_display_order'] == "Priority")
	{  $Order_By_String = "category_priority, category_name"; }else{ $Order_By_String = "category_name"; }
	$fetch_query   = "SELECT category_id, category_name FROM phpkb_categories WHERE parent_id=0 AND category_status='public' 
					 AND category_show='yes' ORDER BY $Order_By_String";
	$query_results = mysql_query($fetch_query, $GLOBALS['connection']) or die("Could not execute the Fetching Browse Categories Query.");
	$number_results= mysql_num_rows($query_results);

	if($number_results > 0)
		while($record = mysql_fetch_array($query_results))
			$category_name = stripslashes($record[category_name]);
			$category_link_string = makelink('category', $record[category_id]);
			if($catid == $record[category_id]){
				$li_string = "<li class=\"current\">$category_name</li>";
				$li_string = "<li><a href=\"$category_link_string\">$category_name</a></li>";
			$category_navigation .= $li_string."\n";
		} // End of While-Loop.
	$category_navigation = "$category_navigation";
	return $category_navigation;
<ul class="menu">
<?php print Category_Navigation(); 

There is also this function that is used for a dropdown select box. It has the right heirarchy but no links or list structure as it’s building the 's.

function List_Fetch_Categories($status,$cat_id="")
	// Adjust the query below with the proper field names and table name. Do not change the 'id', 'name' and 'parent' aliases in the query
	if($GLOBALS['categories_display_order'] == "Priority")
	{  $Order_By_String = "category_priority, category_name"; }else{ $Order_By_String = "category_name"; }
	$sql = "SELECT category_id AS id, category_name AS name, parent_id AS parent FROM phpkb_categories
			WHERE category_status='$status' AND category_show ='yes' ORDER BY $Order_By_String";
	$result = mysql_query($sql, $GLOBALS['connection']);
	$result or die('<option>' . mysql_error() .'</option>'); // For Debug Purpose
	if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
		while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
			$names[$row['id']] = stripslashes($row['name']);
			$cats[$row['id']] = $row['parent'];
		display_options($cat_id, hierarchize($cats, 0), $names);

function hierarchize(&$cats, $parent)
	$subs = array_keys($cats, $parent);
	$tree = array();
	foreach ($subs as $sub)
		$tree[$sub] = hierarchize($cats, $sub);
	return count($tree) ? $tree : $parent;

function display_options($cat_id, &$tree, &$names, $nest = 0)
	foreach ($tree as $key => $branch)
		$indent = $nest ? str_repeat('&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;', $nest) . '- ' : '';
		if(is_array($cat_id)) // Embedded code for Multi Select Options
			$select_category_item = (in_array($key, $cat_id)) ? "selected=\"selected\"":"";
		else // Single select Option
			$select_category_item = ($cat_id == $key) ? "selected=\"selected\"":"";
		echo "<option value=\"$key\" $select_category_item>$indent{$names[$key]}</option>\n";
			display_options($cat_id, $branch, $names, $nest + 1);

Thank You


With your data structure you can not build hierarchy tree in one loop. There need to be some recursion, similar to what you have in the second piece of code.

I realize that, just not experienced enough to put it all together.

Thanks anyways.


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