PHP Login System Help Please

Hello guys,

I’m trying to make a login system linked to a mySQL database and below is what I have so far. The problem I’m having is when I try to submit both a username and password, I think the database query is failing and it leads to a blank page. Any ideas?

Thanks you. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Here’s the page I’m talking about:


Member System - Login <?php $form = "
"; if ($_POST['loginbtn']) { $user = $_POST['user']; $password = $_POST['password']; if ($user) { if ($password) { require("connect.php"); $password = md5(md5("q`wkIa4".$password."qwe;lnm")); //make sure login info correct $query = msql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$user'"); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($query); if ($numrows == 1) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); $dbid = $row['id']; $dbuser = $row['username']; $dbpass = $row['password']; $dbactive = $row['active']; if($password == $dbpass) { if($dbactive == 1) { //set session info $_SESSION['userid'] = $dbid; $_SESSION['username'] = $dbuser; echo "You have been logged in as $dbuser. Click here to go to the member page."; } else echo "You must activate your account to login. $form"; } else echo "You did not enter the correct password. $form"; } else echo "The username you entered was not found. $form"; mysql_close(); } else echo "You must enter your password. $form"; } else echo "You must enter your username. $form"; } else echo $form; ?> [/php]

connect.php is:

mysql_connect(“localhost”, “/database name/”, “/database password/”);


I found it. I was missing a y in my $query.

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