PHP Date Class

I’m trying to create my own date class for a framework I am working on. I want to be able to call functions like:[php]<?php

// New date
$date = Core::load(‘Date’);
$this->date = $date->setTimeZone(1)
->timeInWords(time(), 86763738);[/php]

I’m not sure how to do it, here is my Date class

Lenix Framework
Copyright © 2010 Cosmin Flavius ([email protected])

This is NOT public code.

namespace Lenix\Date;
use Lenix\Core as Core;
use Lenix\Module\Base as Base;


  • Date module

  • used for manipulating date functions
    class Module extends Base
    public $timezone;

    public function init()
    return parent::init();

    public function setTimeZone($timezone = 0)
    $this->timezone = $timezone;
    return $this->timezone;

    public static function timeInWords($fromTime, $toTime = 0, $showLessThanAMinute = false)
    $distanceInSeconds = round(abs($toTime - $fromTime));
    $distanceInMinutes = round($distanceInSeconds / 60);

     if($distanceInMinutes <= 1) {
         if(!$showLessThanAMinute) {
             return ($distanceInMinutes == 0) ? 'less than a minute' : '1 minute';
         } else {
             if($distanceInSeconds < 5) {
                 return 'less than 5 seconds';
             if($distanceInSeconds < 10) {
                 return 'less than 10 seconds';
             if($distanceInSeconds < 20) {
                 return 'less than 20 seconds';
             if($distanceInSeconds < 40) {
                 return 'about half a minute';
             if($distanceInSeconds < 60) {
                 return 'less than a minute';
             return '1 minute';
     if($distanceInMinutes < 45) {
         return $distanceInMinutes . ' minutes';
     if($distanceInMinutes < 90) {
         return 'about 1 hour';
     if($distanceInMinutes < 1440) {
         return 'about ' . round(floatval($distanceInMinutes) / 60.0) . ' hours';
     if($distanceInMinutes < 2880) {
         return '1 day';
     if($distanceInMinutes < 43200) {
         return 'about ' . round(floatval($distanceInMinutes) / 1440) . ' days';
     if($distanceInMinutes < 86400) {
         return 'about 1 month';
     if($distanceInMinutes < 525600) {
         return round(floatval($distanceInMinutes) / 43200) . ' months';
     if($distanceInMinutes < 1051199) {
         return 'about 1 year';
     return 'over ' . round(floatval($distanceInMinutes) / 525600) . ' years';



  • Lenix\Route\Exception
    class Exception extends \Lenix\Exception\Base {}[/php]
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