PHp Assistance Please

I have made a contact form (php) and a send.php as well and when I get an email all I see is the following:
A visitor to your site has sent the following email address to be added to your mailing list.

Email Address:

Here is my form and send.php script can you please help me
thank you

contact form:

email address: Leave this field email-address blank:
Homepage: Leave this field homepage blank:
URL: Leave this field url blank:
Comment: Leave this field comment blank:

Email Address*:
Phone number*:
Question or Comment:
[b]send.php:[/b] <?PHP $email = $_POST["emailaddress"];

$to = “[email protected]”;
$subject = “elegantawards - web site”;
$headers = “From: $email\n”;

$message = "A visitor to your site has sent the following email address to be added to your mailing list.\n

Email Address: $email";

$user = “$email”;
$usersubject = “Thank You”;
$userheaders = “From: [email protected]\n”;

$usermessage = “Thank you for subscribing to our mailing list.”;




Thank you for contacting Elegant Awards Timmins. We will respond as soon as possbile.


Bill and Rachel

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