Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ';'

Hi all i am fairly new to using PHp and creating my own code however i am trying to install a script on my site and i get this message when i go to my home page to set everythink up “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘;’, expecting T_OLD_FUNCTION or T_FUNCTION or T_VAR or ‘}’ in /home/sgcrys5/public_html/include/ on line 1” i have no idea were the error is in the code i have looked for a “,” that is out of place and cannot spot 1 the full code is listed bellow, i hope someone can help me with this. thanks.

<?php class sql { var $mysql_type = 1; var$sql_server_type= 2; var$db_type = 1; //mysql function sql( $db_type ) { $this->db_type = $db_type; } function connection( $dm_name, $db_name, $db_username, $db_password, &$err ) { if ( $this->db_type == $this->mysql_type ) { $db = mysql_connect($dm_name, $db_username, $db_password ); if ( $db != FALSE ) { if ( !@mysql_select_db($db_name,$db) ) { $err = "select database error: " . mysql_error(); return FALSE; } } else { $err = "mysql_connect error: " . mysql_error(); return FALSE; } } else { $err = "not supported"; return FALSE; } return $db; } function sql_query($sql, $db, &$err) { if ( $this->db_type == $this->mysql_type ) { $res = @mysql_query($sql, $db); if ( !$res ) { $err = mysql_error(); return FALSE; } return $res; } } function sql_next_row(&$res ) { if ( $this->db_type == $this->mysql_type ) { return mysql_fetch_row($res); } } function sql_num_row($res) { if ( $this->db_type == $this->mysql_type ) { return @mysql_num_rows($res); } } function sql_close($db) { if ( $this->db_type == $this->mysql_type ) { @mysql_close($db); } } function sql_free_result($res) { if ( $this->db_type == $this->mysql_type ) { @mysql_free_result($res); } } function sql_field_name($res,$index) { if ( $this->db_type == $this->mysql_type ) { return @mysql_field_name($res,$index); } } function sql_insert_id($res) { if ( $this->db_type == $this->mysql_type ) { return mysql_insert_id($res); } } } ?>

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that is where the error is professed to be. Also it’s saying that there is a problem with a semi-colon ; not a comma , but that doesn’t mean that it’s the problem. Most likely it’s NOT rather a misplaced bracket or brace somewhere.

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