pagination problem

The pagination shows the the first 3 results, and makes link to the next 3 results, but when clicking next, it doesn’t show a link to the next page if I want to see the last results. I’ve got a total of 8 results. the first page shows the first 3 results, when clicking next it show the next 3 results, but then there is no next link to see the last results. Anybody knows why it doesn’t work?

This is the full code

<?php session_start();?> <?php /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ control codes ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( (isset($_POST['submit'])) or (isset($_GET['pg'])) ) { search(); //call the search function }else{ show_form(); //call the show form function }//end if /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ show the search form ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function show_form() { //call the dropdown function which creates an html string to build a select box for each element $be = dropdown('be','behan'); $omraede = dropdown('omraede','behan'); $pro = dropdown('pro','behan'); echo "

Behandler: >Alle Fy Ki
Område: Alle F Sj Jy
Pro: Alle yg rm F
"; }//end function /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ run the search and show the results ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function search() { if (isset($_POST)) { foreach($_POST as $k=>$v) { $_SESSION[$k]=$v; }} //Pagination mysql_connect("localhost", "***", "****") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("*****") or die(mysql_error()); $getcount = mysql_query ("SELECT * FROM behan"); $postnum = mysql_result($getcount,0); $limit = 3; if($postnum > $limit) { $tagend = round($postnum % $limit,0); $splits = round(($postnum - $tagend)/$limit,0); if($tagend == 0) { $num_pages = $splits; } else { $num_pages = $splits + 1; } if(isset($_GET['pg'])) { $pg = $_GET['pg']; } else { $pg = 1; } $startpos = ($pg*$limit)-$limit; $limstring = "LIMIT $startpos,$limit"; } else { $limstring = "LIMIT 0,$limit"; } ///////////////////////////////////// $sql = "SELECT * FROM behan WHERE 1=1"; //get the values from the form //NOTE: You should do way more valdation on the values before you attempt to process anything if ((!empty($_SESSION['be']))&&($_SESSION['be'] != 'alle')) { $sql .= " and be like '". mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['be'])."%' "; } if ((!empty($_SESSION['omraede']))&&($_SESSION['omraede'] != 'alle')) { $sql .= " and omraede like '". mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['omraede'])."%' "; } if ((!empty($_SESSION['pro']))&&($_SESSION['pro'] != 'alle')) { $sql .= " and pro = '". mysql_real_escape_string($_SESSION['pro'])."' "; } // ADD ORDER BY $sql .= " GROUP BY na order by total_value DESC $limstring "; print ""; //run query $result = conn($sql); if (!$result){ die("No results due to database error.
".mysql_error()); } if (mysql_num_rows($result)==0 && ($result)!='alle') { echo "

No results!

"; } else{ echo "
"; $first_run = "true"; while ($rows= mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo ""; if ($first_run == "true"){ echo ""; $first_run = "false"; } if($_SESSION['pro'] != 'alle'){ echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "

Results: "; if (($_SESSION['be'] == 'alle')&&($_SESSION['omraede'] == 'alle')&&($_SESSION['pro'] == 'alle')) { echo "alle" ; } if ($_SESSION['be'] != 'alle') { echo $rows['be'] ; } echo " "; if ($_SESSION['omraede'] != 'alle') { echo $rows['omraede'] ;} echo " "; if ($_SESSION['pro'] != 'alle') { echo $rows['pro'];} echo "




". $rows['be'] ."
". $rows['na'] ."
". $rows['ad'] ."
". $rows['por'] .", ". $rows['y'] ."
". $rows['tl'] ."

". rating_bar($rows['id'],'6','static')."



"; echo ""; } else { echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo "




". $rows['be'] ."
". $rows['na'] ."
". $rows['ad'] ."
". $rows['por'] .", ". $rows['y'] ."
". $rows['tl'] ."



"; echo ""; } } } echo "
"; //////////////////////// Links for pagination if($postnum > $limit) { echo "Pages:    "; $n = $pg + 1; $p = $pg - 1; $thisroot = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ; if($pg > 1) { echo "<< prev  "; } for($i=1; $i<=$num_pages; $i++) { if($i!= $pg) { echo "$i  "; } else { echo "$i  "; } } if($pg < $num_pages) { echo "next >>"; } echo "  "; } ///////////////// }//end function /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ create the drop downs ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function dropdown($field, $table) { //initialize variables $oHTML = ''; $result = ''; //check to see if the field is passed correctly if (($field == "")||($table == "")) { die("No column or table specified to create drop down from!"); } $sql = "select distinct($field) from $table"; //call the db function and run the query $result = conn($sql); //if no results are found to create a drop down return a textbox if ((!$result) ||(mysql_num_rows($result)==0)) { $oHTML .= ""; } elseif (($result)&&(mysql_num_rows($result)>0)){ //build the select box out of the results $oHTML .= "\nAlle\n"; while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $oHTML .= "".$rows[$field]."\n"; } $oHTML .= "\n"; } //send the value back to the calling code return $oHTML; }//end function ?>
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