pagination for PHP - MySQL - next pages dont show results


my page is currently up at When I retrieve a set of results > the defined # per page (such as entering ‘WI’ for last name), I see the first page correctly, and see the links to next pages, but when I go to the next page there are no results displayed. Same for p.3, etc.

Am I somehow losing the content of my array or not reading it again?

[php] <?php
include ‘config.php’;
include ‘opendb.php’;
$rows_per_page = 20;

					//Get the values from the text boxes			
					$fnamesearch = $_POST["fnamesearch"];
					$lnamesearch = $_POST["lnamesearch"];

					//These trim and convert the name fields to upper case.

					// Get required page number.  If not present, default to 1.
					if (isset($_GET['pageno'])) 
						{$pageno = $_GET['pageno'];
						{$pageno = 1;

					// Count how many rows are coming back for the query
					//This checks to see if there are at least 2 chars in the last name.
					if (strlen($lnamesearch)<2)
							echo "<p class='style7'>Please enter at least 2 letters of the last name.</p>";
					else  //sets the query to get the number of rows
							$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM BKL_TRANSACTIONS WHERE((PLAYER_LNAME LIKE '$lnamesearch%')& (PLAYER_FNAME LIKE '$fnamesearch%'))";

					$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Could not execute the query");   //executes the get count query
					$query_data = mysql_fetch_row($result);
					$numrows = $query_data[0];
					echo "count: ".$numrows;	
					$lastpage = ceil($numrows/$rows_per_page);		//determines how many pages based on rows divided by rows per page
					echo "pages: ".$lastpage;
					//Checks that the value of $pageno is an integer between 1 and $lastpage.
					$pageno = (int)$pageno;
					if ($pageno > $lastpage) 
						{$pageno = $lastpage;
					if ($pageno < 1) 
						{$pageno = 1;
					//constructs the LIMIT clause for the sql SELECT statement
					$limit = 'LIMIT ' .($pageno - 1) * $rows_per_page .',' .$rows_per_page;
					//This checks to see if there are at least 2 chars in the last name.
					if (strlen($lnamesearch)<2)
							echo "<p class='style7'>Please enter at least 2 letters of the last name.</p>";
					else  //sets the query to get the number of rows
							$query = "SELECT * FROM BKL_TRANSACTIONS WHERE((PLAYER_LNAME LIKE '$lnamesearch%')& (PLAYER_FNAME LIKE '$fnamesearch%')) $limit";
					$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("Could not execute the query");   //executes the query
					//Count the number of results 
					echo "<p class='style7'>Your search: &quot;".$fnamesearch." ".$lnamesearch."&quot; returned <b>".$data_rows."</b> results.</p>";
					//Calculate number of pages based on results per page
					if ($data_rows == 0)  //if no matches, don't display the table 
					else				//build the table and insert rows 
									echo "<table border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=1 width='77%' align=left bordercolor=#666666>";
									echo "<tr bgcolor=#cccc99 class='style5'><th width='10%' class='style5'>Date</th>";
									echo "<th width='10%' class='style5'>Action</th>";
									echo "<th width='12%' class='style5'>From</th>";
									echo "<th width='12%' class='style5'>To</th>";
									echo "<th width='5%' class='style5'>Pos</th>";
									echo "<th width='18%' class='style5'>Name</th>";		
									echo "<th width='5%' class='style5'>Round</th></tr>";							
								while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
									echo "<tr><td width='10%' class='style6'>".$row['TRANS_DT']."</td>";
									echo "<td width='10%' class='style6'>".$row['TRANS_ACTION']."</td>";
									echo "<td width='12%' class='style6'>".$row['FROM_OWNER']."</td>";
									echo "<td  width='12%' class='style6'>".$row['TO_OWNER']."</td>";
									echo "<td  width='5%' class='style6'>".$row['POSITION']."</td>";
									echo "<td  width='18%' class='style6'>".$row['PLAYER_FNAME']." ".$row['PLAYER_LNAME']."</td>";
									echo "<td  width='5%' class='style6'>".$row['DRAFT_RND']."</td></tr>";
									echo "</table>";
					//construct the hyperlinks which will allow the user to select previous pages						
					if ($pageno == 1) 
						{echo " FIRST PREV ";
						{echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?pageno=1'>FIRST</a> ";
						$prevpage = $pageno-1;
						echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?pageno=$prevpage'>PREV</a> ";
					//inform the user of his current position in the sequence of available pages
					echo " ( Page $pageno of $lastpage ) ";
					//provide the links for any following pages
					if ($pageno == $lastpage) 
						{echo " NEXT LAST ";
						{$nextpage = $pageno+1;
						   echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?pageno=$nextpage'>NEXT</a> ";
						   echo " <a href='{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?pageno=$lastpage'>LAST</a> ";
					mysql_free_result($result);	 //release the result set from the table
					mysql_close($conn);			 //close the connection to the db

digging around a bit, sounds like i need to pass data to the other pages, either via the URL or in session.

Since I am taking fname and lname as input from a form, and have both a limit and offset, do i need to pass all of that data?

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