Page not reloading when expected

Sorry for the long read.
I am building a raspberry pi thermostat to replace my basic house thermostat. right now i am on the web site building stage. I work on this project as i have time which might be a few hours a month if that, so i think i might just be missing something as it has been a few months since I touched the web gui side of the project.

I have a python script that runs a loop every 3 seconds which pulls data from the sensors and puts them into txt files in sub folders under /var/www/html. Then i have my php page read that data and print on the main screen, i also have temp buttons and system control like fan, auto, heat, cool.

What i am expecting is the page over all refreshes every 3 seconds which works via java, and anytime i click a button( I.E. heat up) the page should refresh so all the numbers update. Right now everything works as expected but as soon as I add a new table row to add the hold & resume buttons, when the system is in auto mode the buttons no longer refresh the page when clicked you have to wait for the over all 3 sec page reload but if the system is in off, cool, or heat all the buttons make the page refresh as soon as they are clicked which is expected.

working page - working_index.php

<?php include "./header.html" ?>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3"> <!-- Page refresh in seconds -->
#Scripts that the buttons interact with, this has to be above the actuall buttons/object that call the scipts so the page refeashes correctly
								$heatfile = "set_input/set_heat.txt";
								$coolfile = "set_input/set_cool.txt";
								$set_cool = file_get_contents($coolfile);
								$set_heat = file_get_contents($heatfile);
								if ($set_heat > 89){
													$set_heat = 90;
													file_put_contents($heatfile, $set_heat);
													if ($set_heat+"2" > $set_cool){
																					$set_cool = $set_heat+"2";
																					file_put_contents($coolfile, $set_cool);
									else {
										file_put_contents($heatfile, ++$set_heat);
										if ($set_heat+"2" > $set_cool){
																		$set_cool = $set_heat+"2";
																		file_put_contents($coolfile, $set_cool);
								header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$heatfile = "set_input/set_heat.txt";
									$set_heat = file_get_contents($heatfile);
									if ($set_heat < "61"){
															$set_heat = "60";
															file_put_contents($heatfile, $set_heat);
										else {
												file_put_contents($heatfile, --$set_heat);												
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
								$coolfile = "set_input/set_cool.txt";
								$set_cool = file_get_contents($coolfile);
								if ($set_cool > 98){
													$set_cool = 99;
													file_put_contents($coolfile, $set_cool);
									else {
											file_put_contents($coolfile, ++$set_cool);
								header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$coolfile = "set_input/set_cool.txt";
									$heatfile = "set_input/set_heat.txt";
									$set_cool = file_get_contents($coolfile);
									$set_heat = file_get_contents($heatfile);
									if ($set_cool < "65"){
															$set_cool = "64";
															file_put_contents($coolfile, $set_cool);
															if ($set_cool-"2" < $set_heat){
																							$set_heat = $set_cool-"2";
																							file_put_contents($heatfile, $set_heat);
										else {
												file_put_contents($coolfile, --$set_cool);
												if ($set_cool-"2" < $set_heat){
																				$set_heat = $set_cool-"2";
																				file_put_contents($heatfile, $set_heat);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$fanfile = "state/fanstate.txt";
									$set_fan_state = "2";
									file_put_contents($fanfile, $set_fan_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$fanfile = "state/fanstate.txt";
									$set_fan_state = "1";
									file_put_contents($fanfile, $set_fan_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$fanfile = "state/fanstate.txt";
									$set_fan_state = "0";
									file_put_contents($fanfile, $set_fan_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
									$set_system_state = "0";
									file_put_contents($systemfile, $set_system_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
									$set_system_state = "1";
									file_put_contents($systemfile, $set_system_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
									$set_system_state = "2";
									file_put_contents($systemfile, $set_system_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
									$set_system_state = "3";
									file_put_contents($systemfile, $set_system_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$holdfile = "state/hold.txt";
									$set_hold_state = "1";
									file_put_contents($holdfile, $set_hold_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$holdfile = "state/hold.txt";
									$set_hold_state = "0";
									file_put_contents($holdfile, $set_hold_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
#set temp section, This section is broken into different php scripts that output different html 
#code based system state, I.E. if you selete heat it will only show heat adjustment option, if
#you select auto it will show both heat and cool.
<div class="row">
		#Temp Controls 
		<?php  //Getting the current stats for system and hold
		$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
		$systemstatus = file_get_contents($systemfile);
		$holdfile = "state/hold.txt";
		$holdstatus = file_get_contents($holdfile);
		if ($holdstatus == '1') {
									$hold = 'green';
		else {
				$hold = '#686868';
		<div class="column">
			if($systemstatus == '0') : ?>
				<h3>System: Off</h3>
		<?php endif; ?>
		<?php //Heat Buttons
			if($systemstatus == '1' || $systemstatus == '2') : ?>
							$heatfile = "set_input/set_heat.txt";
							$content = file_get_contents($heatfile);
							echo "Set Heat: " . $content . "<br>";
						<!-- Heat Buttons -->
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button name="heatuptemp" class="button buttonheat">up</button>
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button name="heatdowntemp" class="button buttonheat">down</button>
		<?php endif; ?>
		<?php // cool buttons
			if($systemstatus == '1' || $systemstatus == '3') : ?>
							$coolfile = "set_input/set_cool.txt";
							$content = file_get_contents($coolfile);
							echo "Set Cool: " . $content . "<br>";
						<!-- Cool Buttons -->	
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button name="cooluptemp" class="button buttoncool">up</button>
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button name="cooldowntemp" class="button buttoncool">down</button>
		<?php endif; ?>
		<?php // Hold/Resume
			if($systemstatus != '0'): ?> 
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button style="background-color:<?php print $hold; ?>" name="hold" class="button">Hold</button>
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button name="resume" class="button">Resume</button>
		<?php endif; ?>

#Current Stats
	<div class="column">
	echo "<h6>".date("h:i A")."</h6>";
	echo "<h5>".date("l,")."<br>";
	echo date("F j Y")."</h5><br>";
	<h4 style="color:green;">Inside</h4>
		$insidetemp = "sensor/main_cur_temp_f.txt";
		$content = file_get_contents($insidetemp);
		echo "Temp: ".$content."<br>";
		$insidehmd = "sensor/main_cur_humidity.txt";
		$content = file_get_contents($insidehmd);
		echo "Humidity: " . $content . "<br>";
		$insidefeelslike = "sensor/main_cur_feels_f.txt";
		$content = file_get_contents($insidefeelslike);
		echo "Feels Like: " . $content . "";
	<h4 style="color:green;">Outside</h4>
		$outsidetemp = "sensor/od_cur_temp_f.txt";
		$content = file_get_contents($outsidetemp);
		echo "Temp: " . $content . "<br>";
		$outsidehmd = "sensor/od_cur_humidity.txt";
		$content = file_get_contents($outsidehmd);
		echo "Humidity: " . $content . "<br>";
		$odfeelslike = "sensor/od_cur_feels_f.txt";
		$content = file_get_contents($odfeelslike);
		echo "Feels Like: " . $content . "";

#System Controls 
	#This sets the button colors based on state so you know what 
	#the system is supose to be doing 
	$fanfile = "state/fanstate.txt";
	$fanstatus = file_get_contents($fanfile);
	if ($fanstatus == '0') {
						$fan_int = 'green';
						$fan_on = '#686868';
						$fan_auto = '#686868';
	else if ($fanstatus == '1') {
								$fan_int = '#686868';
								$fan_on = 'green';
								$fan_auto = '#686868';
	else if ($fanstatus == '2') {
								$fan_int = '#686868';
								$fan_on = '#686868';
								$fan_auto = 'green';
	$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
	$systemstatus = file_get_contents($systemfile);
	if ($systemstatus == '0') {
								$system_off = 'green';
								$system_auto = '#686868';
								$system_heat = '#686868';
								$system_cool = '#686868';
	else if ($systemstatus == '1') {
									$system_off = '#686868';
									$system_auto = 'green';
									$system_heat = '#686868';
									$system_cool = '#686868';
	else if ($systemstatus == '2') {
									$system_off = '#686868';
									$system_auto = '#686868';
									$system_heat = 'green';
									$system_cool = '#686868';
	else if ($systemstatus == '3') {
									$system_off = '#686868';
									$system_auto = '#686868';
									$system_heat = '#686868';
									$system_cool = 'green';
	<div class="column">
			$fanaction = "action/fan_action.txt";
			$content = file_get_contents($fanaction);
			echo "<h2>Fan: " . $content . "</h2>";
					<form action="" method="post">
						<button style="background-color:<?php print $fan_auto; ?>" name="fanauto" class="button">Auto</button>
					<form action="" method="post">
						<button style="background-color:<?php print $fan_on; ?>" name="fanon" class="button">On</button>
				<td colspan="2">
					<form action="" method="post">
						<button style="background-color:<?php print $fan_int; ?>" name="fanoff" class="button">Intermittent</button>
			$systemaction = "action/system_action.txt";
			$content = file_get_contents($systemaction);
			echo "<h2>System: " . $content . "</h2>";
					<form action="" method="post">
						<button style="background-color:<?php print $system_auto; ?>" name="systemauto" class="button">Auto</button>
					<form action="" method="post">
						<button style="background-color:<?php print $system_off; ?>" name="systemoff" class="button">Off</button>
					<form action="" method="post">
						<button style="background-color:<?php print $system_heat; ?>" name="systemheat" class="button">Heat</button>
					<form action="" method="post">
						<button style="background-color:<?php print $system_cool; ?>" name="systemcool" class="button">Cool</button>

if ( window.history.replaceState ) {
  window.history.replaceState( null, null, window.location.href );


broken - broken_index.php

<?php include "./header.html" ?>
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3"> <!-- Page refresh in seconds -->
#set temp section, This section is broken into different php scripts that output different html 
#code based system state, I.E. if you selete heat it will only show heat adjustment option, if
#you select auto it will show both heat and cool.
<div class="row">
	<div class="column">
			$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
			$systemstatus = file_get_contents($systemfile);
			if($systemstatus == '0') : ?>
				<h3>System: Off</h3>
		<?php endif; ?>
			$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
			$systemstatus = file_get_contents($systemfile);
			if($systemstatus == '1') : ?> <!--####### Auot section ######-->
							$heatfile = "set_input/set_heat.txt";
							$content = file_get_contents($heatfile);
							echo "Set Heat: " . $content . "<br>";
						<!-- Heat Buttons -->
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button name="heatuptemp" class="button buttonheat">up</button>
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button name="heatdowntemp" class="button buttonheat">down</button>
							$coolfile = "set_input/set_cool.txt";
							$content = file_get_contents($coolfile);
							echo "Set Cool: " . $content . "<br>";
						<!-- Cool Buttons -->	
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button name="cooluptemp" class="button buttoncool">up</button>
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button name="cooldowntemp" class="button buttoncool">down</button>
		<?php endif; ?>
			$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
			$systemstatus = file_get_contents($systemfile);
			if($systemstatus == '2') : ?> <!--####### heat section ######-->
							$heatfile = "set_input/set_heat.txt";
							$content = file_get_contents($heatfile);
							echo "Set Heat: " . $content . "<br>";
						<!-- Heat Buttons -->
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button name="heatuptemp" class="button buttonheat">up</button>
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button name="heatdowntemp" class="button buttonheat">down</button>
		<?php endif; ?>
			$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
			$systemstatus = file_get_contents($systemfile);
			if($systemstatus == '3') : ?> <!--####### Cool section ######-->
							$coolfile = "set_input/set_cool.txt";
							$content = file_get_contents($coolfile);
							echo "Set Cool: " . $content . "<br>";
						<!-- Cool Buttons -->	
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button name="cooluptemp" class="button buttoncool">up</button>
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button name="cooldowntemp" class="button buttoncool">down</button>
		<?php endif; ?>
			$holdfile = "state/hold.txt";
			$holdstatus = file_get_contents($holdfile);
			if ($holdstatus == '1') {
										$hold = 'green';
			else {
					$hold = '#686868';
			$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
			$systemstatus = file_get_contents($systemfile);
			if($systemstatus != '0'): ?> 
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button style="background-color:<?php print $hold; ?>" name="hold" class="button">Hold</button>
						<form action="" method="post">
							<button name="resume" class="button">Resume</button>
			<?php endif; ?>

#Current Stats
	<div class="column">
	echo "<h6>".date("h:i A")."</h6>";
	echo "<h5>".date("l,")."<br>";
	echo date("F j Y")."</h5><br>";
	<h4 style="color:green;">Inside</h4>
		$insidetemp = "sensor/main_cur_temp_f.txt";
		$content = file_get_contents($insidetemp);
		echo "Temp: ".$content."<br>";
		$insidehmd = "sensor/main_cur_humidity.txt";
		$content = file_get_contents($insidehmd);
		echo "Humidity: " . $content . "<br>";
		$insidefeelslike = "sensor/main_cur_feels_f.txt";
		$content = file_get_contents($insidefeelslike);
		echo "Feels Like: " . $content . "";
	<h4 style="color:green;">Outside</h4>
		$outsidetemp = "sensor/od_cur_temp_f.txt";
		$content = file_get_contents($outsidetemp);
		echo "Temp: " . $content . "<br>";
		$outsidehmd = "sensor/od_cur_humidity.txt";
		$content = file_get_contents($outsidehmd);
		echo "Humidity: " . $content . "<br>";
		$odfeelslike = "sensor/od_cur_feels_f.txt";
		$content = file_get_contents($odfeelslike);
		echo "Feels Like: " . $content . "";

#System Controls 
	#This sets the button colors based on state so you know what 
	#the system is supose to be doing 
	$fanfile = "state/fanstate.txt";
	$fanstatus = file_get_contents($fanfile);
	if ($fanstatus == '0') {
						$fan_int = 'green';
						$fan_on = '#686868';
						$fan_auto = '#686868';
	else if ($fanstatus == '1') {
								$fan_int = '#686868';
								$fan_on = 'green';
								$fan_auto = '#686868';
	else if ($fanstatus == '2') {
								$fan_int = '#686868';
								$fan_on = '#686868';
								$fan_auto = 'green';
	$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
	$systemstatus = file_get_contents($systemfile);
	if ($systemstatus == '0') {
								$system_off = 'green';
								$system_auto = '#686868';
								$system_heat = '#686868';
								$system_cool = '#686868';
	else if ($systemstatus == '1') {
									$system_off = '#686868';
									$system_auto = 'green';
									$system_heat = '#686868';
									$system_cool = '#686868';
	else if ($systemstatus == '2') {
									$system_off = '#686868';
									$system_auto = '#686868';
									$system_heat = 'green';
									$system_cool = '#686868';
	else if ($systemstatus == '3') {
									$system_off = '#686868';
									$system_auto = '#686868';
									$system_heat = '#686868';
									$system_cool = 'green';
	<div class="column">
			$fanaction = "action/fan_action.txt";
			$content = file_get_contents($fanaction);
			echo "<h2>Fan: " . $content . "</h2>";
					<form action="" method="post">
						<button style="background-color:<?php print $fan_auto; ?>" name="fanauto" class="button">Auto</button>
					<form action="" method="post">
						<button style="background-color:<?php print $fan_on; ?>" name="fanon" class="button">On</button>
				<td colspan="2">
					<form action="" method="post">
						<button style="background-color:<?php print $fan_int; ?>" name="fanoff" class="button">Intermittent</button>
			$systemaction = "action/system_action.txt";
			$content = file_get_contents($systemaction);
			echo "<h2>System: " . $content . "</h2>";
					<form action="" method="post">
						<button style="background-color:<?php print $system_auto; ?>" name="systemauto" class="button">Auto</button>
					<form action="" method="post">
						<button style="background-color:<?php print $system_off; ?>" name="systemoff" class="button">Off</button>
					<form action="" method="post">
						<button style="background-color:<?php print $system_heat; ?>" name="systemheat" class="button">Heat</button>
					<form action="" method="post">
						<button style="background-color:<?php print $system_cool; ?>" name="systemcool" class="button">Cool</button>

#Scripts that the buttons interact with
								$heatfile = "set_input/set_heat.txt";
								$coolfile = "set_input/set_cool.txt";
								$set_cool = file_get_contents($coolfile);
								$set_heat = file_get_contents($heatfile);
								if ($set_heat > 89){
													$set_heat = 90;
													file_put_contents($heatfile, $set_heat);
													if ($set_heat+"2" > $set_cool){
																					$set_cool = $set_heat+"2";
																					file_put_contents($coolfile, $set_cool);
									else {
										file_put_contents($heatfile, ++$set_heat);
										if ($set_heat+"2" > $set_cool){
																		$set_cool = $set_heat+"2";
																		file_put_contents($coolfile, $set_cool);
								header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$heatfile = "set_input/set_heat.txt";
									$set_heat = file_get_contents($heatfile);
									if ($set_heat < "61"){
															$set_heat = "60";
															file_put_contents($heatfile, $set_heat);
										else {
												file_put_contents($heatfile, --$set_heat);												
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
								$coolfile = "set_input/set_cool.txt";
								$set_cool = file_get_contents($coolfile);
								if ($set_cool > 98){
													$set_cool = 99;
													file_put_contents($coolfile, $set_cool);
									else {
											file_put_contents($coolfile, ++$set_cool);
								header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$coolfile = "set_input/set_cool.txt";
									$heatfile = "set_input/set_heat.txt";
									$set_cool = file_get_contents($coolfile);
									$set_heat = file_get_contents($heatfile);
									if ($set_cool < "65"){
															$set_cool = "64";
															file_put_contents($coolfile, $set_cool);
															if ($set_cool-"2" < $set_heat){
																							$set_heat = $set_cool-"2";
																							file_put_contents($heatfile, $set_heat);
										else {
												file_put_contents($coolfile, --$set_cool);
												if ($set_cool-"2" < $set_heat){
																				$set_heat = $set_cool-"2";
																				file_put_contents($heatfile, $set_heat);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$fanfile = "state/fanstate.txt";
									$set_fan_state = "2";
									file_put_contents($fanfile, $set_fan_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$fanfile = "state/fanstate.txt";
									$set_fan_state = "1";
									file_put_contents($fanfile, $set_fan_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$fanfile = "state/fanstate.txt";
									$set_fan_state = "0";
									file_put_contents($fanfile, $set_fan_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
									$set_system_state = "0";
									file_put_contents($systemfile, $set_system_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
									$set_system_state = "1";
									file_put_contents($systemfile, $set_system_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
									$set_system_state = "2";
									file_put_contents($systemfile, $set_system_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$systemfile = "state/systemstate.txt";
									$set_system_state = "3";
									file_put_contents($systemfile, $set_system_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$holdfile = "state/hold.txt";
									$set_hold_state = "1";
									file_put_contents($holdfile, $set_hold_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
									$holdfile = "state/hold.txt";
									$set_hold_state = "0";
									file_put_contents($holdfile, $set_hold_state);
									header('Location: '.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);

if ( window.history.replaceState ) {
  window.history.replaceState( null, null, window.location.href );


UPDATE: added code for context rather then link git.

Can you pare down your code to just the part which is giving the problem?

If you add bbcode [code][/code] tags around your code (each on their own separate line), your code will be formatted and color highlighted.

I’m not sure which part is causing the issue, as it doesn’t seem to matter where I put the hold/resume buttons when the system is on auto it doesn’t work right.

Wouldn’t it be better just you use python? You can basically do everything in that language, plus the raspberry pi is great at doing python. I have a couple of raspberry pi(s) and have connected it to the internet just using python, but that was a couple of years ago.

I didn’t know I could write a website in python, i am new to this space.

I did some other testing it seems on the first divider if i have more then two tables it seems to not function right i removed the cool buttons and left the hold/resume and it works but when i add the cool buttons back in it breaks

I scanned through the code and have some suggestions -

  1. The post method form processing code should be above the start of the html document.
  2. Every header() redirect needs an exit; statement after it to stop code execution.
  3. I would use a switch/case statement when testing which of several values an input is.
  4. If you use a hidden field named action, with a value set to the various heatuptemp, … values, inside the post method forms, you can then use a switch/case statement in the form processing code.
  5. Avoid duplication in the form processing code by putting one single header() redirect/exit after the end of all the processing sections.
  6. This would be a great place to use functions to eliminate repetition in the code. I would write get_xxx and set_xxx functions for each piece of data, e.g. get_systemstate(), that gets and returns the system state value. Any set_xxx($value) function would accept the new value to store as a call-time parameter.

Items #1 and #2 may have something to do with the current problem. You will only be outputting the html markup on the page, once, after the header redirect.

I have moved the post processing to the top of the php page, and that seems to have fixed everything, Thank you very much. I already started reducing the amount code and will work on moving things into functions so i can reuse them.

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