oracle stored procedure query

I am attempting to retrieve data from an oracle stored procedure. Read only.
The retrieved data will be inserted into a separate mysql db.
This is uncharted water for me. Reading many examples via google, but still can not get it
to work.

I have tried multiple variations of the code below, and usually get this type of error:
oci_bind_by_name(): ORA-01036: illegal variable name/number
on this line of code:
[php]oci_bind_by_name($stmt,’:p_results’, $recordset,-1) or die (‘Can not bind variable’);[/php]
The stored procedure takes 2 input variables: p_startdate, p_enddate
and has one output variable: p_results

For testing purposes, I have just hardcoded the input variables.


<?php include('../config/cat_dbconfig.php'); $p_startdate = 04/21/2012; $p_enddate = 03/22/2012; $query = "begin TRIAGE_CIT1.GET_CHANGES('$p_startdate', '$p_enddate', p_results ); end;"; echo "Connection is " . $conn; echo '
'; $recordset = ':p_results'; $stmt = oci_parse($conn, $query) or die ('Can not parse query'); oci_bind_by_name($stmt,':p_results', $recordset,-1) or die ('Can not bind variable'); oci_execute($stmt) or die ('Can not Execute statment'); oci_execute($recordset) or die ('Can not execute recordset'); $row = oci_fetch_array($stmt, OCI_ASSOC+OCI_RETURN_NULLS); foreach ($row as $item) { print $item."
\n"; } oci_free_statement($stmt); oci_close($conn); ?>[/php]

Here is the stored procedure:

[code]CREATE OR REPLACE procedure TRIAGE_CIT1.Get_changes(p_startdate IN DATE,p_enddate IN DATE,p_results OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) IS


 OPEN p_results FOR SELECT Changeno Changeno,
   NULL domid,
     WHEN (Riskpercentile) >= 80 THEN
     WHEN (Riskpercentile) IS NULL THEN
   END Failurealert,
   NVL(Riskpercentile, -1) Riskpercentile,
          to_char(Targetstart, 'Dy Mon dd rrrr hh:mi') || ' EST') Startdate,
          to_char(Targetend, 'Dy Mon dd rrrr hh:mi') || ' EST') Enddate,
   Title Title,
   Progress Phase,
   Status Changestatus,
   oig_names OIG,
   lab_names ApprovingLab,
   NULL Reviewed,
   NULL Heightenedawarness,
   NULL Labreview,
   NULL Hamarkedby,
   NULL Labrevmarkedby,
   NULL Heightenedawarnessmaillist,
   NULL Labreviewmaillist,
     WHEN Targetstart IS NULL THEN
     WHEN substr(to_char(Targetstart, 'dd/mm/rrrr hh:mi:ss'), 12, 17) IS NULL THEN
      To_Char(Targetstart, 'Dy Mon dd rrrr ') || '12:00 AM EST'
      To_Char(Targetstart, 'Dy Mon dd rrrr hh:mi AM') || ' EST'
   END Startdatenew,
     WHEN Targetend IS NULL THEN
     WHEN substr(to_char(Targetend, 'dd/mm/rrrr hh:mi:ss'), 12, 17) IS NULL THEN
      To_Char(Targetend, 'Dy Mon dd rrrr ') || '12:00 AM EST'
      To_Char(Targetend, 'Dy Mon dd rrrr hh:mi AM') || ' EST'
   END Enddatenew

FROM Cat_Changedtls a
WHERE a.targetend BETWEEN TO_DATE(p_startdate, ‘mm/dd/rrrr hh24:mi’) AND
TO_DATE(p_enddate, ‘mm/dd/rrrr hh24:mi’)
AND lower(CHNAME) LIKE ‘emxech%’;

end Get_changes;

Thank you

$p_startdate = 04/21/2012;
$p_enddate = 03/22/2012;

??? What is 4 divided by 21 divided by 2012 give you? Is that value in your database?

making the date value a string yields the same oracle error.

i tried this prior to removing the ’ marks.

[php]$p_startdate = ‘04/21/2012’;
$p_enddate = ‘03/22/2012’;[/php]

the date values are the 2 IN params for the stored proc.

Well, I think that is still an issue, but, also, the variable: :p_results was not set up in your query. You do not have the : in the query, so it is not passed on… Try that.

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