Number the row


I’m adding a line, I want to number each line, but when the line is deleted from the middle or the end, how to make the numbers regenerate in order

<div class="optionBox">

<div class="form-floating mb-3">
	<div class="input-group">
	<input class="form-control inputurun_seri_no" type="text" name="multiserino[]" placeholder="Ürün Seri Numarası 1" autocomplete="off" required />
<div class="block">
	<button class="btn btn-success btn-sm" id="add" type="button" style="margin-bottom: 15px;">Seri No Giriş Ekle</button>

    var count = $(".inputurun_seri_no").length + 1;
    $('#add').click(function() {
        $('.block:last').before('<div class="form-floating mb-3"><div class="input-group"><input class="form-control inputurun_seri_no" type="text" name="multiserino[]" placeholder="Ürün Seri Numarası ' + count + '" autocomplete="off"  /><span class="remove input-group-text" style="cursor:pointer;">Kaldır</span></div></div>');                                            
    $('.optionBox').on('click','.remove',function() {

Add a recount-functionality to your script:

   $('.optionBox').on('click','.remove',function() {
// Recount and set placeholder attribute:		
			$(this).attr('placeholder', 'Ürün Seri Numarası ' + (index+1));
//Decrease your counter:

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