Noobish question? Help!

I’ve got the following code…


$run = "0";

$userfil = file("members/0.txt");
while (list($radnrus, $radus) = each($userfil))
	if ($radus == $user)
		$usertest = $user;
		$run = $run + 1;


$memberfil = file("members/$usertest.txt");
while (list($radnrme, $radmem) = each($memberfil))
	if ($radnrme == 5)
		if ($radmem == $password)
			$run = $run + 1;


Where the code validates the login user and then it checks if the password is correct. “$run” Should return a value of 2 in order to display the page after the validation or else it would display a error message.

My problem is that the password validation won’t work. “$user” and “$password” comes from “$_POST[’######’]”.

It can open and find the password in the file but will just not return a “$run” value of 2.

I also have a similar problem with “updating control” of my site. Made so that index.php checks a text file if the site is down for automatic update or not. At the beginning it worked exellent but suddenly died on me. Adding this here aswell.


$filetext = file("admin/data.txt");
while (list($rownr,$row) = each($filetext))
	if ($row == "update")
		echo "<script type='text/javascript'>";
		echo "window.location = 'update.php'";
		echo "</script>";
	elseif ($row == "run")
		echo "<script type='text/javascript'>";
		echo "window.location = 'main.php'";
		echo "</script>";


The code above makes the whole site to redirect to a “updating the site at the moment” page in order for the automatic calculations and updating to work in peace for a couple of minutes.

Thankfull for help! / Artagard

What have you done to debug it? Are you sure you are getting into each of your “IF” Loops which updates the $run?

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