Need some help with a PHP/MYSQL menu..


I have a webshop and i am using mysql and PHP for the site.

I would like to make som adjustments to the menu and add a menu on top of the site with the categories and also the sub categories.

I would like it be something like this:
Category 1 Category 2
Sub cat 1 Sub cat 1
Sub cat 2 Sub cat 2

When holding mouse over category 1 or two the sub categories pops up under it.

I have tried to implement it with the superfish jquery menu, but could not get it to work.

Hope that someone can help with this… :slight_smile: Thanks in advance.


<?php function ShowMenu() { //Get the list of products $sqlstr = sprintf("SELECT * FROM shop_categories WHERE Parent='0' ORDER BY Sortorder ASC"); $result = GetResultsFromDB($sqlstr); echo ""; echo ""; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo ""; //Get all child categories $sqlstr_child = sprintf("SELECT * FROM shop_categories WHERE Parent='%s' ORDER BY Sortorder ASC", $row['Id']); $result_child = GetResultsFromDB($sqlstr_child); while($row_child = mysql_fetch_array($result_child)) { echo ""; } } echo "
" . $row['Name'] . "
- ". $row_child['Name'] . "
"; } ?>


Steinar Sandvik

Ok, so what I would do would be to use a CSS based menu. Heres a simple tutorial that will get you started.

All you’ll have to do is use your PHP code to write the products you want in the list.

Post back if you get stuck.

Thanks, i will try this.

Do you have an idea how i should implement the php/mysql code inside the li/ul?
Just an example of where to put the start of mysql and where to put the import of products?


Steinar Sandvik

Something like this.

[php]function ShowMenu() {

//Get the list of products
$sqlstr = sprintf("SELECT * FROM  shop_categories WHERE Parent='0' ORDER BY Sortorder ASC");
$result = GetResultsFromDB($sqlstr);
echo '<ul id="menu">';
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
    echo '<li><a href="">Products</a><ul>';
	//Get all child categories
	$sqlstr_child = sprintf("SELECT * FROM  shop_categories WHERE Parent='%s' ORDER BY Sortorder ASC", $row['Id']);
    $result_child = GetResultsFromDB($sqlstr_child);
	while($row_child = mysql_fetch_array($result_child))
    	echo "<li><a href=href=\"show_category.php?id=".$row_child['Id']."\">. $row_child['Name'] . </a></li>";
	echo '</ul></li>';
echo "</ul>"; 


also i notice your using
This works great, i dont like it so much because it gives you more data then you need for instance, lets say your result has 2 colums, your array has 4 parts because its returning both named and numbered elements.


if you used
it would only return
[name] = > John
[lastname] Smith)

for big queries it makes a difference, uses less memory to store the data.

Great :smiley:
Thank you very much, i will try this and let you know if it works :slight_smile:

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