Need help with this

Ok my problem is that i cant code PHP - thats obviously why i came here, basically i own a chat site and i want to use mibbit (the irc chat script) as a chat for people that have made a chat on my server, to make it easier for people to put their chat on their site, so instead of them editing this code:

<iframe width="550" height="350"src=",#CHANNEL2"></iframe>

They can fill in a small form typed thing so they can choose the size(height and width in pixels) and the channels (#channel1,#channel2)

I hope somebody can help me here, thanks!

Yes, a simple form in HTML can allow the channels to be inputted. These can be passed to a PHP page that can replace the "channel"s in the line you posted. This is all simple simple…

BUT, you did not actually say what you wanted to do with the line you posted.
I will assume you mean you want to have them insert the info (width, height, channel1, channel2) and
then, your code would create the line for them with the data in place. Then, they could COPY that code
and use it in their own webpage for chat purposes. Is that what you are asking? If so, that brings up
further questions… Like is this form going to be a one page form on YOUR site, or does it need to be
a dynamically created part of one of your current pages? It can be done, just explain a little more and
we can help.


Please input a width:
Please input a height:
#CHANNEL1 #CHANNEL2 #CHANNEL1,#CHANNEL2 <? if(isset($_POST['width'])){ ?>

<iframe width="<?=$_POST['width']; ?> " height="<?=$_POST['height']; ?>"src=“<?=$_POST['channel']; ?>”> </iframe>

<? } ?>[/php]
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