Need help with cookies

My hometask says: each user must register own email address to download the file. You must use cookies to detect whether the user has already registered, and to ensure that the user downloads the file only once within 7 days of registering.

I have been making a lot of things but i can get it working. Please help!

here is my code:

if (!empty($_POST[‘delete_cookie’])) {
setcookie(“sevendays”, “”, time()-3600);

$email = $_POST[‘email’];
setcookie(“sevendays”, “email”, time()+606024*7);
$filepath = $_SERVER[‘DOCUMENT_ROOT’]."/.php_files/acme_brochure.pdf";
if (file_exists($filepath)) {
header(“Content-Type: application/force-download”);
$fd = fopen($filepath,‘rb’);


<?php if (isset($_POST['ok'])){ if($_POST['mail']== $_COOKIE['email']){ echo "This email address has already been registered
"; }else { echo "

Thank you!

"; } } ?> <?php if (!empty($_COOKIE["sevendays"])) echo "only in 7".$_COOKIE["sevendays"]." days!"; if ($_COOKIE["sevendays"]) { echo $_COOKIE["sevendays"]; ?>

Not my email: <? echo $_COOKIE["sevendays"]; ?>?

<?php }else { ?>

Please register

Name: <? if ($_COOKIE['name']) { echo $_COOKIE['name']; } else {


<?php }


Email: <? if ($_COOKIE['email']) { echo $_COOKIE['email']; } else { ?> <?php }


I accept terms and conditions.
<?php } ?> [/php]

Here is another code:

// Considering form is posted here
// And your code should be as below:

if(isset($_POST[‘email’]) && $_POST[‘email’])
if(isset($_COOKIE[‘email’]) && count($_COOKIE[‘email’])>0)
// Email Exist In cookies
// Show download link
// Email not exist in cookies or may be cookies expired
// Not even a single email set in cookies.


// Your cookies saving code should be as below:
// It will create a array of email if you save like this.
setcookie(“email[]”, $value, (time()+3600*24)*7);

I don’t know what to do with this one. I really need your help.

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