I have all this code and I need added a somthing to the drop down box uner all vendor prices. I need it to say No Winner, it already says the company name with a bid. I just need no winner as an option to select . any help would be greatly thanked.
<!--/*for($colIterator=0; $colIterator<$vendorResponseCounter; $colIterator++){
//echo "<th scope=\"col\">$vendorName[$colIterator]</th>";
//echo "<th scope=\"col\">Lowest for this item</th>";-->
// loop to create table with bid items and qtys
for($i=0; $i<$counterArrayBidItems; $i++){
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>$arrayBidQtys[$i]</td>";
echo "<td>$arrayBidItems[$i]</td>";
echo "<td>$arrayBidDescr[$i]</td>";
<select name="no winner[]">
<select name="bidwinner[]">
// nested for loop to load the cherry picker lowest price for a row
for($cpIterator=0; $cpIterator<$vendorResponseCounter; $cpIterator++){
$cpArrayLowestPrice[$cpIterator] = $mainArrayVendorPrices[$cpIterator][$i];
// nested for loop to output undetermined number of cells in the table row
for($rowIterator=0; $rowIterator<$vendorResponseCounter; $rowIterator++){
if($mainArrayVendorPrices[$rowIterator][$i] != "0" && $mainArrayVendorPrices[$rowIterator][$i] != null && $mainArrayVendorPrices[$rowIterator][$i] != '')
$dsc = $mainArrayVendorPrices[$rowIterator][$i];
$ttlaz = floatval($dsc);// * $arrayBidQtys[$i];
if($dsc > 0)
$dsc = '$' . number_format($ttlaz,2);
$dsc = '';
echo '<option value="' . $vendorid[$rowIterator] .'">'.$vendorName[$rowIterator]. ' - ' . $dsc .'</option>';