modify a code

have used a picture instead of a button
but when i click on the picure (in this case paypal.png)
it not goes to the page its reffer to
wonder if anyone can help me with this:)

"; for($x=0; $x".($tpackages[$x])." ". iif($membership[time_type]=="D","Day"). iif($membership[time_type]=="W","Week"). iif($membership[time_type]=="M","Month"). iif($membership[time_type]=="Y","Year"). iif($membership[time_type]=="L","Lifetime"). " Membership - $cursym $temp_price"; } $includes[content].="

hi need help with a code problem
i whant to change button to an image
but when i click on it, it not take me to the page its supose to.
anyone knows the problem?

this is the code that i working with!
td><input type=“image” src=“images/paypal.png” onclick=“buyupgrade($membership[id],document.form.upgrade$membership[id].value)” value=“Buy Now!”>

this is the working orignal code
<input type=“button” onclick=“buyupgrade($membership[id],document.form.upgrade$membership[id].value)” value=“Buy Now!”>

I’m pretty sure they should function the same. What happens when you click the image?

istead of this code
<input type=“image” src=“images/paypal.png”
i use this now its working just fine
<img src=“images/paypal.png”

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