Message not appears in Chat system in Blab

just one problem which i want to remove from the main room/ it shows images and files in right side whatever chatters share on screen it saved in the the right side container . i want to remove that section. can we remove the section from css?

hi Ernie, where are you. I changed the chat landing page and installed chat in new folder(chat) so if it says you give wrong information while trying to login thn ask for reset password or simply make annother nick

I have been very busy fixing up my computers. Had a lot of trouble with Windows 11 on my new computer. Just harder to work with for programming. Hope to have them all sorted out soon. Also, have been busy with family issues. I will log back into the site in a couple days… Sorry for hiding out, just been busy !

Hello Ernie, i have a quick question.
I have a radio script i fo und from github and created my own radio channel. I want to use this in my website so anyone can create his own radio station. I mean when he added his own radio channels in specific form his own script ready to download and he can use that in his own use. is it kind of framework? ho to do that?

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