Math code to Deduct 15% Discount of Total

How can I get the total to automatically deduct 15%? Here’s the code base:


            <tr >
              <td width="163">Product</td>
              <td width="134" nowrap="nowrap">Payment Method </td>
              <td width="46">Price</td>
              <td width="56">Qty</td>
              <td width="48">Total</td>
              <td width="59">Remove</td>

for ( $counter = 1; $counter <= $_SESSION[“cnt”]; $counter += 1)



<?php echo($_SESSION["title".$counter]); ?> <?php echo($_SESSION["paymentmethod".$counter]); ?> $<?php echo($_SESSION["price".$counter]); ?> <?php echo($_SESSION["qty".$counter]); ?> $<?php echo($_SESSION["total".$counter]); ?>
  Sub Total: $<?php echo($_SESSION["grandtotal"]); ?>  
- Discount %: 15  
Grand Total: $<?php
function add($x,$y)
return $total;

echo add($_SESSION[“grandtotal”],0);


With a little simple math?

$price = 100;
$discount = $price * .15;
$total = $price - $discount;

Thank you. But how to integrate this code? Sorry but I am not that savvy to integrate orange to apple so to speak. I need the exact code as it would be included in the base sample I gave… pls…

This doesn’t work but maybe something like this will work?

[php]<?php $price = “grandtotal”;(
$discount = $price * .15
$total = $price - $discount;) echo($_SESSION[“discount”]); ?>[/php]

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