Loop inside a loop

So I have a PHP parent page that is accesses that scans the database for the passed token in the URL and then replaces content on the template page using a loop. My issue is that I am trying to use a loop on the secondary page which causes the white screen of death. From what I can tell the loop inside a loop is causing the issue.
I’ll paste the code below, let a newbie know if you have any ideas or can point me in the right direction.

Thanks everyone!

Here is the chunk of code from the parent page with the loop function…

// output pre content
eval("$preContent = “$preContent”;");
print_r( replaceChar($preContent) );

$sqlSearch = "SELECT * FROM “.$row[tdbd_name].” WHERE “.$sqlKeyword.” LIMIT ".MAX_ROWS;
$resultSearch = mysql_query($sqlSearch);

while($displayrows = mysql_fetch_assoc($resultSearch)) {
$display = replaceTokens($loopTemplate);
$display = str_replace(’\’, ‘[backslash]’, $display);
$display = str_replace(’[%’, ‘$displayrows[’, $display);
$display = addslashes(str_replace(’%]’, ‘]’, $display));
$display = replaceTokens($display);
$display = changeCase($display);

eval("\$display = \"$display\";");

$display = stripslashes($display);
$display = str_replace('[backslash]', '\\', $display);
$display = replaceChar($display);

print_r( $display );

// output post content

And here is the loop function from the page that the above code loops through replacing tokens in.

<?php $mySQLServer = "xxxxxxxxx"; $mySQLUser = "xxxxxxxxxx"; $mySQLPass = "xxxxxxxx"; $mySQLDB = "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"; $SQLToday = date("m/d/y") . "
"; $SQLsevendays = mktime(0,0,0,date("n"),date("j")-7,date("Y")); $SQLsevenname = (date("l", $SQLsevendays)); $SQLsevennumber = (date("jS", $SQLsevendays)); $dbhandle = mssql_connect($mySQLServer, $mySQLUser, $mySQLPass) or die("Couldn't connect to SQL Server on $myServer"); $selected = mssql_select_db($mySQLDB, $dbhandle) or die("Couldn't open database $myDB"); $query = "WEB_ApproveHistory @State='CA', @Days=5, @Records=8"; $data = mssql_query($query); $result = array(); while ($row = mssql_fetch_object($data)) { $result[] = $row; $returnedresults = (97*($row->TotalApprovals)) ; } $englishreturnedresults = number_format($returnedresults); echo 'In just the last week since ' . $SQLsevenname . ' the ' . $SQLsevennumber . ' has delivered '; echo $englishreturnedresults; echo ' Here are just a few people '; echo '
    '; mssql_next_result($data); while ($row = mssql_fetch_object($data)) { $result[] = $row; echo '
  • ' . ' ' . $row->FirstName . ' From '. $row->City . ', ' . $row->State .' PreApproved On ' .$row->ApprovedDate . '
  • '; } mssql_close($dbhandle); ?>
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