Login system need help

I have created a simple login system but there seems to be a problem on line 7 and I cannot figure out what it is here is the login page code. I am reletivly new to this so help would be greatly appreciated.[php]<?php
require_once ‘classes/membership.php’;
$membership = new Membership();

if ($_POST && !empty ($_POST ['username']) && !empty ($_POST ['pwd'])) {
	$responce = $membership->validate_user($_POST['username'], $_POST['pwd']);











       Login Here



<?php if (isset($responce)) echo "

" . $responce . "

"; ?> [/php]

What is $responce supposed to be?

You know you are using Object-Oriented Programming style?

your error is probably in the class itself…what’s your class code look like?

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