I am attempting to use the Kaos Mailer add-in for Dreamweaver 8 so I can email form results. I can receive the email and the user receives the confirmation page, but only the fields are listed in the email… it’s not giving me the information that is input into the fields (which is obviously of no help). Here’s the code that I have which is in a separate kwmailer.php file. Any suggestions?
<?php mail("[email protected]","Inquiry", "first_name=".$_POST['first_name']." nlast_name=".$_POST['last_name']." nposition=".$_POST['position']." ncompany=".$_POST['company']." naddress=".$_POST['address']." ncity=".$_POST['city']." nstate=".$_POST['state']." nzip=".$_POST['zip']." nphone=".$_POST['phone']." nemail=".$_POST['email']." nbefore_y=".$_POST['before_y']." nbefore_n=".$_POST['before_n']." nabout=".$_POST['about']." nassistance=".$_POST['assistance']." ncomments_questions=".$_POST['comments_questions']." n","From:".$_POST['email']); header ("location: /confirmation.html"); ?>[php]
<?php mail("[email protected]","Inquiry", "first_name=".$_POST['first_name']." nlast_name=".$_POST['last_name']." nposition=".$_POST['position']." ncompany=".$_POST['company']." naddress=".$_POST['address']." ncity=".$_POST['city']." nstate=".$_POST['state']." nzip=".$_POST['zip']." nphone=".$_POST['phone']." nemail=".$_POST['email']." nbefore_y=".$_POST['before_y']." nbefore_n=".$_POST['before_n']." nabout=".$_POST['about']." nassistance=".$_POST['assistance']." ncomments_questions=".$_POST['comments_questions']." n","From:".$_POST['email']); header ("location: /confirmation.html"); ?>[/php]
So people can help you better, please use the [code] or [php] tags to better your post.
First Name
Last Name
Please tell us about your company:
Please describe, in as much detail as possible, what type of assistance you need:
Have you ever worked with a Virtual Assistant before?
Yes No |
Additional comments or questions:
[b]Admin Edit: Added PHP code tags… Please refer to http://phphelp.com/guidelines.php with particular emphasis on http://phphelp.com/guidelines.php#code
Putting no [code] or [php] tags tho in the subject is not the preferred solution[/b].