If this has been covered, I can’t find it. The line that is added has an “id” and is blank except for an encrypted password (same one every time). When I fill out my registration form and submit, it all works and I can log in. The only problem is that it adds the extra line. Driving me crazy! I’m a complete PHP novice. The only reason I got this far with it is a tutorial I found online by phpacademy. It was made in 2009 and I understand, now, that PHP has changed but I don’t really want to start over since I am this far. If someone could help me figure this out, I would be very grateful. Thanks in advance. Here is my PHP code (leaving off the page html)
$submit = $_POST[‘submit’];
if ($submit) {
//form data
$selectTitle = strip_tags($POST [‘selectTitle’]);
$fullname = strip_tags($_POST[‘fullname’]);
$email = strip_tags($_POST[‘email’]);
$address = strip_tags($_POST[‘address’]);
$city = strip_tags($_POST[‘city’]);
$selectState = strip_tags($_POST[‘selectState’]);
$zipcode = strip_tags($_POST[‘zipcode’]);
$selectAge = strip_tags($_POST[‘selectAge’]);
$username = strtolower(strip_tags($_POST[‘username’]));
$password = strip_tags($_POST[‘password’]);
// All errors in one array please
$formErrors = array();
if (empty ($_POST[“selectTitle”])){
$formErrors[] = "Title: Must select one.";
$options = array("mr", "mrs", "ms", "miss", "dr",);
foreach ($options as $option) {
echo '<option value="' . $option . '"';
if (in_array($variable,$options)) {
echo " selected";
//End of selectTitle here.
}else {
$selectTitle = $_POST[“selectTitle”];
if (empty($_POST[“fullname”])) {
$formErrors[] = “Fullname: Missing”;
else {
$fullname = $_POST[“fullname”];
if (empty($_POST[“email”])) {
$formErrors[] = “Email: Missing”;
else {
$email = $_POST[“email”];
if (empty($_POST[“address”])) {
$formErrors[] = “Address: Missing”;
else {
$address = $_POST[“address”];
if (empty($_POST[“city”])) {
$formErrors[] = “City: Missing”;
else {
$city = $_POST[“city”];
//Beginning selectState field.
if ( empty($_POST[“selectState”]) ) {
$formErrors[] = “State: Must select one!”;
//Ending selectState field.
// Define state here. Use them in HTML
$stateOptions = array(‘AL’=>“Alabama”,
‘DC’=>“District Of Columbia”,
‘NH’=>“New Hampshire”,
‘NJ’=>“New Jersey”,
‘NM’=>“New Mexico”,
‘NY’=>“New York”,
‘NC’=>“North Carolina”,
‘ND’=>“North Dakota”,
‘RI’=>“Rhode Island”,
‘SC’=>“South Carolina”,
‘SD’=>“South Dakota”,
‘WV’=>“West Virginia”,
if (empty($_POST[“zipcode”])) {
$formErrors[] = “Zip: Missing”;
else {
$zipcode = $_POST[“zipcode”];
if (empty ($_POST[“selectAge”])){
$formErrors[] = “Age: Must select one.”;
$options = array("10-19", "20-29", "30-39", "40-49", "50-59", "60-69", "70-79", "80-89", "90-100", "100+");
foreach ($options as $option) {
echo ‘<option value="’ . $option . ‘"’;
if (in_array($variable,$options)) {
echo " selected";
if (empty($_POST[“username”])) {
$formErrors[] = “Username: Missing”;
else {
$username = $_POST[“username”];
if (empty($_POST[“password”])) {
$formErrors[] = “Password: Missing”;
else {
$password = $_POST[“password”];
if (empty($_POST[“repeatpassword”])) {
$formErrors[] = “Repeat Password: Missing”;
else {
$repeatpassword = $_POST[“repeatpassword”];
if ($password==$repeatpassword)
$formErrors[] = “Password: Your passwords do not match.”;
//check char length of username
if (strlen ($username)>15) {
$formErrors[] = “Username: Length of username is too long.”;
if (strlen ($_POST[“password”])>15||strlen($_POST[“password”])<8)
$formErrors[] = “Password: Must be between 8 and 15 characters”;
//encrpt password
$password = md5($password);
$repeatpassword = md5($repeatpassword);
//open database
$connect = mysql_connect(“xxxx”,“xxxx”,“xxxx”);
mysql_select_db(“booksaready”);//select database
$namecheck = mysql_query ("SELECT username FROM users WHERE username='$username'");
$count = mysql_num_rows ($namecheck);
if ($count!=0)
$formErrors[] = "That username already exists.";
$queryreg = mysql_query("INSERT INTO users VALUES ('','$username','$password','$selectTitle','$fullname','$email','$address','$city','$selectState','$zipcode','$selectAge')");
// Successful registration
if( $submit && empty($formErrors) ) {
die(“You are now registered! Return to login page.”);