Install Pecl PAM authentication

I want to setup horde webmail 5.2.9 on my server (debian Jessie).
When I go to localhost/horde/test.php I get
PAM Support (PECL extension): No
The PAM PECL extension is required to allow PAM authentication to be used.

To install the PAM extension, I have done the following:

sudo pecl install --alldeps PAM

I can verify that PAM is installed:

sudo pecl list

Installed packages, channel

Package Version State
pam 1.0.3 stable

I have also installed the following:

  • libapache2-mod-authnz-pam
  • pwauth
  • libapache2-mod-authnz-external
    I also have the following modules enabled:
    authnz_external, authnz_pam

But when I go to phpinfo.php I don’t see any PAM module or section.
Of course I restarted the Apache and even rebooted the server.
What’s next?
Thank you.

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