Insert data to MySQL, then send an e-mail. help pls !!

Hi there, hope u guys able to help.

I’m have created a enquiry form where I want these actions to run when a button is submitted:

  1. Insert data from form fields into my database

  2. When data is inserted into database, then send an e-mail (multiple email user) to the address with the form fields. The e-mail is carrying the form fields.

so …what I need now is how to send the form field to email. Insert the data into my table in my database,then send en e-mail.

 // Connects to your Database 

 mysql_connect("xxxxxx","xxxxxx","xxxxxx") or die(mysql_error()); 

 mysql_select_db("xxxxxx") or die(mysql_error()); 

 // now we insert it into the database

    $insert = "INSERT INTO enquiry (name, email, cont_number, subject, msg)

          VALUES ('".$_POST['name']."', '".$_POST['email']."', '".$_POST['cont_number']."',

    $add_member = mysql_query($insert);


function error_bool($error, $field) { 
         if($error[$field]) { 
             print("<td style=color:red>"); 
        else { 

function show_form() { 
global $HTTP_POST_VARS, $print_again, $error; 

 <h2 align="center"> Enquiry Form</h2>
 <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post">
   <table align="center" cellpadding="3">
     <?php error_bool($error, "name"); ?> Name </td> 
      <td>:<input name="name" type="text" id="name"  SIZE="33" value="<? echo $_POST["name"]; ?>"></td> 
      <?php error_bool($error, "email"); ?> Email </td> 
      <td>:<input name="email" type="text" id="email" SIZE="33" value="<? echo $_POST["email"]; ?>"></td> 
    <tr><td>Contact No. </td><td>

 :<input type="text" name="cont_number"  SIZE="33" maxlength="10">

 <tr><td>Subject </td><td>

 :<input type="text" name="subject"  SIZE="33"  maxlength="25">


 <tr><td>Your Message :</td><td>

 <textarea name="msg" cols="27" rows="5"


      <td><th colspan=4 align="right">
      <input type="reset" value="CLEAR"><input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit"></td> 
      </th><td> </td> 
if(isset($_POST["Submit"])) { 
} else { 

function check_email_address($email) { 
  // First, we check that there's one @ symbol, and that the lengths are right 
  if (!ereg("^[^@]{1,64}@[^@]{1,255}$", $email)) { 
    // Email invalid because wrong number of characters in one section, or wrong number of @ symbols. 
    return false; 
  // Split it into sections to make life easier 
  $email_array = explode("@", $email); 
  $local_array = explode(".", $email_array[0]); 
  for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($local_array); $i++) { 
     if (!ereg("^(([A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-][A-Za-z0-9!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~\.-]{0,63})|(\"[^(\\|\")]{0,62}\"))$", $local_array[$i])) { 
      return false; 
  if (!ereg("^\[?[0-9\.]+\]?$", $email_array[1])) { // Check if domain is IP. If not, it should be valid domain name 
    $domain_array = explode(".", $email_array[1]); 
    if (sizeof($domain_array) < 2) { 
        return false; // Not enough parts to domain 
    for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($domain_array); $i++) { 
      if (!ereg("^(([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Za-z0-9])|([A-Za-z0-9]+))$", $domain_array[$i])) { 
        return false; 
  return true; 

function check_form() 
global $HTTP_POST_VARS, $error, $print_again; 
$error['name'] = false; 
    if($_POST["name"]=="") { 
        $error['name'] = true; 
         $print_again = true; 
        $message="The name field is empty<br>"; 
    if(!check_email_address($_POST['email'])) { 
        $error['email'] = true; 
         $print_again = true; 
        $message.="Either Field Empty or Invalid Email ID <br>"; 
     if($print_again) { 
       } else { 
           $message="Thank You !! <br> 
        Form has been submitted"; 
   echo "$message"; 



How do i do this? Thank you in advanced and sorry for bad English.

Best regards,

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