ID variable is not carrying over from index to edit.

I’ll try to be as thorough as possible…

I’m using a pre-built experiment registration system. There is an FAQ section with predefined questions and options to Create, edit, and delete (for admins).

From the FAQ index page in the admin section (faq_main.php), you’ll see that the faq_id variable is defined and carried over in the edit page URL structure (e.g. faq_edit.php?faq_id=1). However, instead of loading the page content that corresponds with this variable…

if ($faq_id) echo $lang['edit_faq'];

…the variable is returned as null and the alternative content is triggered…

else echo $lang['add_faq'];

…which is to create a new FAQ entry.

You can visit the test build of the system to see this process behaving correctly. (Log in using test/test)
You can view the original code for this test system (faq_main.php -> faq_edit.php) to see the behavior.

Here is my faq_edit.php code (where the discrepancies begin occurring), which you’ll notice has no alterations to the original code except a few minor edits to the embedded HTML (for styling purposes and because the default HTML sucks):



if (isset($_REQUEST['faq_id'])) $id=$_REQUEST['faq_id']; else $faq_id="";

$title="edit faq";
include ("header.php");

    if ($faq_id) $allow=check_allow('faq_edit','faq_main.php');
        else $allow=check_allow('faq_add','faq_main.php');

        echo '<h4>';
            if ($faq_id) echo $lang['edit_faq']; else echo $lang['add_faq'];
        echo '</h4>';

    // load faq question and answer from lang table
    if ($faq_id) {

        // load languages


        if (isset($_REQUEST['edit']) && $_REQUEST['edit']) {

                foreach ($languages as $language) {
                        if (!$rquestion[$language]) {
                                message ($lang['missing_question_in_language'].": ".$language);
            if (!$ranswer[$language]) {
                                message ($lang['missing_answer_in_language'].": ".$language);

                foreach ($languages as $language) {

                if ($continue) {
                        if (!$faq_id) {



               else {

                        message ($lang['changes_saved']);
                        redirect ('admin/faq_edit.php?faq_id='.$question['content_name']);


        // form
        echo '<FORM action="faq_edit.php" METHOD=POST>
                <INPUT type=hidden name="faq_id" value="'.$faq_id.'">

    foreach ($languages as $language) {
        echo '<tr';
                        if ($shade) echo ' bgcolor="'.$color['list_shade1'].'"'; 
                    else echo ' bgcolor="'.$color['list_shade2'].'"';
                        echo '>
                        if ($shade) echo ' bgcolor="'.$color['list_shade1'].'"'; 
                else echo ' bgcolor="'.$color['list_shade2'].'"';
                        echo '>
                    '.$lang['question_in_xxxlang'].' '.$language.'
                    <textarea name="question['.$language.']" cols=40 rows=3 wrap=virtual>'.
                        if ($shade) echo ' bgcolor="'.$color['list_shade1'].'"'; 
                else echo ' bgcolor="'.$color['list_shade2'].'"';
                        echo '>
                    '.$lang['answer_in_xxxlang'].' '.$language.'
                    <textarea name="answer['.$language.']" cols=40 rows=20 wrap=virtual>'.
        if ($shade) $shade=false; else $shade=true;

        echo '</TABLE>
                                <TD COLSPAN=2 align=center>
                                        <INPUT name=edit type=submit value="';
                    if ($faq_id) echo $lang['change']; else echo $lang['add'];
                    echo '">

        if ($id && check_allow('faq_delete')) {
                echo '<BR><BR><FORM action="faq_delete.php">
                        <INPUT type=hidden name="faq_id" value="'.$faq_id.'">
                        <INPUT type=submit name="submit" value="'.$lang['delete'].'">
        echo '<BR><BR>
                <a href="faq_main.php">'.icon('back').' '.$lang['back'].'</a>';

include ("footer.php");

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