How to write php code for [PHP][/PHP] tags

I’ve been for the last 6 month trying out how to write code for php tags that you see being used on forums and I finally figured it out. This tutorial uses GeSHi ( and PHP OOP style, this is not meant for the beginner.

Here’s my HighlightCode Class:
include_once ‘Geshi.php’;
class HighlightCode{

    public function phpCode($code, $language = 'php') {
    // Set the Language to be displayed:
            // Create a GeSHi object//
            $geshi = new GeSHi($code, $language);
            // Format overall style
            $geshi->set_overall_style('font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 0.8em; line-height: 1.5em; color: #000066; border: 1px solid #d0d0d0; background-color: #f0f0f0; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-left: 20px; overflow: auto; padding-right: 20px;', false);
            $geshi->set_line_style('color: #003030;', 'font-weight: bold; color: #006060; font-size: 1.2em;', true);
            $geshi->set_code_style('color: #000020;', true);
        // Styles for hyperlinks in the code. GESHI_LINK for default styles, GESHI_HOVER for hover style etc...
            // note that classes must be enabled for this to work.
            $geshi->set_link_styles(GESHI_LINK, 'color: #000060;');
            $geshi->set_link_styles(GESHI_HOVER, 'background-color: #f0f000;');

    return $geshi->parse_code();                   


Here’s my DisplayCode Class:


DisplayCode class ver 1.0 beta

class DisplayCode {

protected $highlightCode;
protected $pattern;
protected $matchs = array();
protected $found;
protected $withTags = array();
protected $minusTags = array();
protected $replaceText = array();
    protected $paragraphBlank = array( 0 => "<p></p>" );
    protected $removePTags = NULL;
public $formattedText;

protected function highlightTheCode($string, $tagname) {
    $string = '<p>' . $string . '</p>';
    $this->highlightCode = new HighlightCode(); // highlight class:
    $this->pattern = "/\[$tagname\](.*?)\[\/$tagname\]/is";
    $this->found = preg_match_all($this->pattern, $string, $this->matchs);

    if ($this->found == 0) {
        return nl2br($string); // if no matchs are found just return the string.:

    $this->withTags = array_merge_recursive($this->matchs[0]); // with the tag name in this case [PHP]:
    $this->minusTags = array_merge_recursive($this->matchs[1]); // without the tag name.:          

    for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->minusTags); $i++) {
        $this->minusTags[$i] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->minusTags[$i], ENT_QUOTES);
        $this->minusTags[$i] = $this->highlightCode->phpCode($this->minusTags[$i]); // highlight the code:
        $this->minusTags[$i] = '</p>' . $this->minusTags[$i] . '<p>';                
        $this->replaceText[$i] = '¥~REPLACE~¥' . $i; // Filler Text in array, so nl2br can put blank lines in:
    $this->formattedText = str_ireplace($this->withTags, $this->replaceText, $string); // replace will filler text:
    $this->formattedText = nl2br($this->formattedText); // add blanks where necessary:
    $this->formattedText = str_ireplace($this->replaceText, $this->minusTags, $this->formattedText); // replace filler text with formatted code:
    return $this->formattedText = str_ireplace($this->paragraphBlank, $this->removePTags, $this->formattedText);

public function formatCode($string, $tagname = 'PHP') {
    return $this->result = $this->highlightTheCode($string, $tagname);


and to execute the code:

[php] $displayCode = new DisplayCode();
$content = $page->getContent();
$content = $displayCode->formatCode($content);[/php]

I just want to warn people that I have barely tested it and it works (I have it running on my website), but I make no claims and take no responsibility of anything that might go wrong. However, I am pretty sure it is OK, for it is after the database and not before it. By that I mean it displays sanitized code, just do a CTRL-U on my website if you don’t believe me. :wink: Over the next couple of weeks I will be testing it and making any improvement on the code.

Modify the DisplayCode class a little (change over to a construtor):


DisplayCode class ver 1.0 beta

class DisplayCode {

protected $highlightCode;
protected $pattern;
protected $matchs = array();
protected $found;
protected $withTags = array();
protected $minusTags = array();
protected $replaceText = array();

protected $paragraphBlank = array( 0 => "<p></p>" );
protected $removePTags = NULL;

public $formattedText;

public function __construct($string, $tagname = 'PHP') {
    $this->formattedText = $this->highlightTheCode($string, $tagname);

protected function highlightTheCode($string, $tagname) {
    $string = '<p>' . $string . '</p>';
    $this->highlightCode = new HighlightCode(); // highlight class:
    $this->pattern = "/\[$tagname\](.*?)\[\/$tagname\]/is";
    $this->found = preg_match_all($this->pattern, $string, $this->matchs);

    if ($this->found == 0) {
        return nl2br($string); // if no matchs are found just return the string.:

    $this->withTags = array_merge_recursive($this->matchs[0]); // with the tag name in this case [PHP]:
    $this->minusTags = array_merge_recursive($this->matchs[1]); // without the tag name.:		

    for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->minusTags); $i++) {
        $this->minusTags[$i] = htmlspecialchars_decode($this->minusTags[$i], ENT_QUOTES);
        $this->minusTags[$i] = $this->highlightCode->phpCode($this->minusTags[$i]); // highlight the code:
        $this->minusTags[$i] = '</p>' . $this->minusTags[$i] . '<p>';                
        $this->replaceText[$i] = '¥~REPLACE~¥' . $i; // Filler Text in array, so nl2br can put blank lines in:
    $this->formattedText = str_ireplace($this->withTags, $this->replaceText, $string); // replace will filler text:
    $this->formattedText = str_ireplace($this->replaceText, $this->minusTags, $this->formattedText); // replace filler text with formatted code:
    return $this->formattedText = str_ireplace($this->paragraphBlank, $this->removePTags, $this->formattedText);


Now all you have to do to use this class:

[php]$displayCode = new DisplayCode($content);
echo $displayCode->formattedText;[/php]

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