Many thanks for your swift reply and explanation.
Now I understand the “drawbacks” of turning on register_global.
However, to give it a try and know more about the functions, I would like to know the “METHODS” to gain control of the facilities.
Secondly, many books need this register_global function for demonstration at the beginning chapters, which I want to give it a try.
On the other, if a kid knows more about the downsides and upsides of a things, and he is well equipped when doing the test, then I think the try will be more meaningful to him, instead just leave out the “awful things”.
Therefore, I would like you to tell/demonstrate me the steps for “turning on”, while afterwards and in real live application, I can “shut it down” according.
At last, can you name me a decent “file comparison” freeware, that I can make comparison with download files.
Many thanks!!!